best practices research – Essay Writers

best practices research – Essay Writers 

best practices research – Essay Writers

Locate at least two sources on best practices in personal branding . At least one of the sources must be a scholarly, peer-reviewed article. Based on your resources, summarize what makes good practice in online branding, which may include the identification of ineffective elements as well. Discuss how the best practices you learned from these two sources can inform you as to how you will create and curate items for your own online brandings. Be sure to include links to these sources in your submission. The instructor will provide you with feedback about the appropriateness of these sources for the milestone paper due next week.
In your journal submission, include the following critical elements: 
a) Identify and provide the links to two sources on best practices in personal branding in your journal assignment. At least one of the sources must be a scholarly, peer-reviewed article. The Shapiro Library’s Communication Research Guide is a great place to get started with your research! 
b) Provide a summary of your chosen resources that analyzes the most effective elements of the best practices in personal branding. Identify ineffective elements if applicable. 
c) Explain how the best practices summarized from the sources can be applied to one’s own creation and curation of a personal online brand.
Guidelines for Submission: Your journal assignment should be approximately 500 words long and use proper formatting for citations. Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.
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best practices research – Essay Writers

Locate at least two sources on best practices in personal branding . At least one of the sources must be a scholarly, peer-reviewed article. Based on your resources, summarize what makes good practice in online branding, which may include the identification of ineffective elements as well. Discuss how the best practices you learned from these two sources can inform you as to how you will create and curate items for your own online brandings. Be sure to include links to these sources in your submission. The instructor will provide you with feedback about the appropriateness of these sources for the milestone paper due next week.
In your journal submission, include the following critical elements: 
a) Identify and provide the links to two sources on best practices in personal branding in your journal assignment. At least one of the sources must be a scholarly, peer-reviewed article. The Shapiro Library’s Communication Research Guide is a great place to get started with your research! 
b) Provide a summary of your chosen resources that analyzes the most effective elements of the best practices in personal branding. Identify ineffective elements if applicable. 
c) Explain how the best practices summarized from the sources can be applied to one’s own creation and curation of a personal online brand.
Guidelines for Submission: Your journal assignment should be approximately 500 words long and use proper formatting for citations. Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.
Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you. We assure you an A+ quality paper that is free from plagiarism. Order now for an Amazing Discount!Use Discount Code “Newclient” for a 15% Discount!NB: We do not resell papers. Upon ordering, we do an original paper exclusively for you.

best practices research – Essay Writers

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