Compare and contrast public relations and marketing and discuss their role in program planning

Compare and contrast public relations and marketing and discuss their role in program planning 

Compare and contrast public relations and marketing and discuss their role in program planning

Public Relations and Marketing
Compare and contrast public relations and marketing and discuss their role in program planning. Discuss the role of health informatics in marketing as a tool to promote public health.
first assignment
Public Relations Plan
TO: Agency Health Education and Health Promotion Personnel
FROM: The Director
RE: Public Relations Plan
As you know, our hospital has an aggressive public relations plan. I’ve felt that our health promotion has not been emphasized enough.
I’d like you to prepare a proposed public relations plan for our community health promotion service that I can submit to them for adoption.
Thank you.
second assignment
Program Evaluation
Throughout the past few weeks, you have been designing a health promotion program that targets the most significant health problem within your community. This week, you will design an evaluation plan (process, impact, and outcome) for your program. Please describe what you would do for your process (formative), impact (summative) and outcome (summative) evaluations. How would you capture the data needed for each level of evaluation? What do you expect the data to reveal and how would this advance your health promotion program? Review the Watson workbook for examples of how evaluation plans.
1.Explain the role of health education in health promotion programs.
2. Pretend that you are a coordinator of health education who must defend his/her program to the local board of education. Make the case using your philosophy as well as practical benefits of health education, including economic, academic, and others.
3. What is the importance of “health educator” being approved as a distinct classification by the Standard Occupational Classification Policy Review Committee?
4. Discuss the nature of communities that make churches and other faith community settings ideal for promoting health.
5. Visit a local or state affiliate of the Epilepsy Foundation of America, American Lung Association, American Cancer Society, Planned Parenthood Federation, or other community health organization. Obtain information about any health education programs that are offered. These should be complete programs offered by the national office to affiliates rather than special one-time programs offered by the affiliates. Determine the following:
a.  Target group for the program
b.  Goals and objectives of the program
c.  Sample activities or lessons in the program
d.  Formal evaluation of the program

Compare and contrast public relations and marketing and discuss their role in program planning

Public Relations and Marketing
Compare and contrast public relations and marketing and discuss their role in program planning. Discuss the role of health informatics in marketing as a tool to promote public health.
first assignment
Public Relations Plan
TO: Agency Health Education and Health Promotion Personnel
FROM: The Director
RE: Public Relations Plan
As you know, our hospital has an aggressive public relations plan. I’ve felt that our health promotion has not been emphasized enough.
I’d like you to prepare a proposed public relations plan for our community health promotion service that I can submit to them for adoption.
Thank you.
second assignment
Program Evaluation
Throughout the past few weeks, you have been designing a health promotion program that targets the most significant health problem within your community. This week, you will design an evaluation plan (process, impact, and outcome) for your program. Please describe what you would do for your process (formative), impact (summative) and outcome (summative) evaluations. How would you capture the data needed for each level of evaluation? What do you expect the data to reveal and how would this advance your health promotion program? Review the Watson workbook for examples of how evaluation plans.
1.Explain the role of health education in health promotion programs.
2. Pretend that you are a coordinator of health education who must defend his/her program to the local board of education. Make the case using your philosophy as well as practical benefits of health education, including economic, academic, and others.
3. What is the importance of “health educator” being approved as a distinct classification by the Standard Occupational Classification Policy Review Committee?
4. Discuss the nature of communities that make churches and other faith community settings ideal for promoting health.
5. Visit a local or state affiliate of the Epilepsy Foundation of America, American Lung Association, American Cancer Society, Planned Parenthood Federation, or other community health organization. Obtain information about any health education programs that are offered. These should be complete programs offered by the national office to affiliates rather than special one-time programs offered by the affiliates. Determine the following:
a.  Target group for the program
b.  Goals and objectives of the program
c.  Sample activities or lessons in the program
d.  Formal evaluation of the program

Compare and contrast public relations and marketing and discuss their role in program planning

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