Nutrition reflection | Social Science homework help
Nutrition reflection | Social Science homework help
My Nutrition Reflection Paper
• There are two parts to this project
The purpose of this paper is to look further in to YOUR diet and if you are under, meeting, or exceeding your body’s needs for nutrition. For this paper you will use the diet analysis software form MacMillan Learning to analyze 7 days of your diet. Please follow the directions below for entering the foods you consumed in to the software and running ‘reports’ that will help you write your reflection essay.
Accessing the diet analysis software and Entering your Diet:
*Please read the AnalyzeMyDiet User Guide under the “Projects” module on Canvas.
1. Once in LaunchPad you will find the AnalyzeMyDiet Fall 2018 Update.2. Create your profile by clicking on the ‘Edit My Profile’ link 3. Fill out your information as accurately as possible – this is how the software will know what you specifically need based on your weight, height, age, sex, activity, etc. Based on this information your ‘Reports’ that you will run later will be specific to you and your body’s needs4. Save your profile5. Under the ‘Intakes’ Tab is where you will add the foods you have eaten. a. Change the date at the top to match the date you are recording. Track 7 days of your diet (it helps if these are the 7 days of the week consecutively as this will give you the best glimpse of what your diet really looks like)b. Search for your food item.i. Example: if you search for ‘eggs’ ALL items that include eggs from the database will appear (most relative items at the top). ii. If you search for something very specific and to results show make your search less specific and you may find it (ex: Yoplait Iight Strawberry Yogurt vs Strawberry yogurt)iii. If you have a homemade recipe you can search ingredient by ingredient (like in a sandwich or casserole)iv. If you cannot find your item after several attempts please choose a close item. This project is not about perfection but rather to have a better appreciation for what your diet offers and what that means to your body. c. Once you have found your food item click on it and click ‘Add’ at the top of the paged. You may then adjust the portion size of what you ate and what meal of the day you ate this at. Click Save
Running Reports
*Reports will be submitted on Canvas as Part One of this project
Once you have completed tracking the 7 days of your diet you will then be able to run reports based on those foods you entered.
1. Click the “Reports” tab at the top of the page
2. The two reports your will need to submit for this project are the “Bar Graph” and the “My Plate” reports.
3. Click the title of the report to the left. Make sure the 7 days you recorded are included in the list above the report. Click ‘Show Report’, and save this file to your computer.
4. Submit both reports on Canvas under the ‘Projects’ module by the due date outlined on the Course Calendar (under the Start Here module).
Your essay will need to include 8 paragraphs outlining 1. Introduction 2. Carbohydrates 3. Fats 4. Protein 5. Micronutrient 6. Micronutrient 7. Micronutrient and 8. Conclusion
In your essay you will need to address your intake in terms of all three macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) as well as THREE micronutrients of your choosing. You will need to discuss if you are under, meeting or exceeding the needs of each of these six categories, as well as what this means in relation to your health and how your body functions. Each of the six topics of discussion (3 macronutrients and 3 micronutrients) will need to be addressed in your paper, thoroughly, and with detail. You will need to tie in information from our nutrition 100 course, your book, and you may (if needed/wanted) tie in information based on further research (PLEASE CITE THESE SOURCES).
At the beginning of your essay you will need an introductory paragraph. This does not need to be super long, but please introduce your reader to your paper and how you found the information you are about to write about. How did you track your diet- was this easier or harder than expected? At the end of your essay you will need a paragraph (paragraph 8) to summarize and reflect on your nutritional status and what you have learned in this class. How has the knowledge of how your body uses food, how it functions, and what you are consuming impact the choices you make or will continue to make in the future regarding your nutrition?
For each macronutrient/micronutrient please discuss the following to receive full credit.
1. Your average intake of that nutrient (both in grams or milligrams, and the percentage of your RDA)2. Your RDA/AI for that nutrient (on the BarGraph report)3. The purpose/functions of this nutrient (why do we need this nutrient?)4. 2-4 foods you ate that attributed to your overall intake of that nutrient5. 3 foods (other than those you consumed) that are high in this nutrient6. If applicable what happens if we get too much or too little of this nutrient?7. If you are above/below your RDA and what modifications you would make to achieve an intake closer to the appropriate amount for your needs
** While your main paragraphs should cover the same basic information they should NOT be redundant. Please use your writing skills to create a paper that is thorough and interesting to read.
Formatting for your essay:
*Please make note of these formatting guidelines. If I notice that your margins are larger than what is listed below, or your font is larger (etc) I will change the formatting to what is below. If the length is changed in your paper you will be docked points. These formatting instructions are in place to make sure that you are reflecting enough to complete all points in your paper. If you go over the 4 pages that is okay- but please be mindful of your paper’s length.
1. 3-4 pages in length2. 12 point arial font3. 1.5 spacing4. 0.8-1.0 inch margins5. Include an introductory and summary paragraph.
Nutrition reflection | Social Science homework help
My Nutrition Reflection Paper
• There are two parts to this project
The purpose of this paper is to look further in to YOUR diet and if you are under, meeting, or exceeding your body’s needs for nutrition. For this paper you will use the diet analysis software form MacMillan Learning to analyze 7 days of your diet. Please follow the directions below for entering the foods you consumed in to the software and running ‘reports’ that will help you write your reflection essay.
Accessing the diet analysis software and Entering your Diet:
*Please read the AnalyzeMyDiet User Guide under the “Projects” module on Canvas.
1. Once in LaunchPad you will find the AnalyzeMyDiet Fall 2018 Update.2. Create your profile by clicking on the ‘Edit My Profile’ link 3. Fill out your information as accurately as possible – this is how the software will know what you specifically need based on your weight, height, age, sex, activity, etc. Based on this information your ‘Reports’ that you will run later will be specific to you and your body’s needs4. Save your profile5. Under the ‘Intakes’ Tab is where you will add the foods you have eaten. a. Change the date at the top to match the date you are recording. Track 7 days of your diet (it helps if these are the 7 days of the week consecutively as this will give you the best glimpse of what your diet really looks like)b. Search for your food item.i. Example: if you search for ‘eggs’ ALL items that include eggs from the database will appear (most relative items at the top). ii. If you search for something very specific and to results show make your search less specific and you may find it (ex: Yoplait Iight Strawberry Yogurt vs Strawberry yogurt)iii. If you have a homemade recipe you can search ingredient by ingredient (like in a sandwich or casserole)iv. If you cannot find your item after several attempts please choose a close item. This project is not about perfection but rather to have a better appreciation for what your diet offers and what that means to your body. c. Once you have found your food item click on it and click ‘Add’ at the top of the paged. You may then adjust the portion size of what you ate and what meal of the day you ate this at. Click Save
Running Reports
*Reports will be submitted on Canvas as Part One of this project
Once you have completed tracking the 7 days of your diet you will then be able to run reports based on those foods you entered.
1. Click the “Reports” tab at the top of the page
2. The two reports your will need to submit for this project are the “Bar Graph” and the “My Plate” reports.
3. Click the title of the report to the left. Make sure the 7 days you recorded are included in the list above the report. Click ‘Show Report’, and save this file to your computer.
4. Submit both reports on Canvas under the ‘Projects’ module by the due date outlined on the Course Calendar (under the Start Here module).
Your essay will need to include 8 paragraphs outlining 1. Introduction 2. Carbohydrates 3. Fats 4. Protein 5. Micronutrient 6. Micronutrient 7. Micronutrient and 8. Conclusion
In your essay you will need to address your intake in terms of all three macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) as well as THREE micronutrients of your choosing. You will need to discuss if you are under, meeting or exceeding the needs of each of these six categories, as well as what this means in relation to your health and how your body functions. Each of the six topics of discussion (3 macronutrients and 3 micronutrients) will need to be addressed in your paper, thoroughly, and with detail. You will need to tie in information from our nutrition 100 course, your book, and you may (if needed/wanted) tie in information based on further research (PLEASE CITE THESE SOURCES).
At the beginning of your essay you will need an introductory paragraph. This does not need to be super long, but please introduce your reader to your paper and how you found the information you are about to write about. How did you track your diet- was this easier or harder than expected? At the end of your essay you will need a paragraph (paragraph 8) to summarize and reflect on your nutritional status and what you have learned in this class. How has the knowledge of how your body uses food, how it functions, and what you are consuming impact the choices you make or will continue to make in the future regarding your nutrition?
For each macronutrient/micronutrient please discuss the following to receive full credit.
1. Your average intake of that nutrient (both in grams or milligrams, and the percentage of your RDA)2. Your RDA/AI for that nutrient (on the BarGraph report)3. The purpose/functions of this nutrient (why do we need this nutrient?)4. 2-4 foods you ate that attributed to your overall intake of that nutrient5. 3 foods (other than those you consumed) that are high in this nutrient6. If applicable what happens if we get too much or too little of this nutrient?7. If you are above/below your RDA and what modifications you would make to achieve an intake closer to the appropriate amount for your needs
** While your main paragraphs should cover the same basic information they should NOT be redundant. Please use your writing skills to create a paper that is thorough and interesting to read.
Formatting for your essay:
*Please make note of these formatting guidelines. If I notice that your margins are larger than what is listed below, or your font is larger (etc) I will change the formatting to what is below. If the length is changed in your paper you will be docked points. These formatting instructions are in place to make sure that you are reflecting enough to complete all points in your paper. If you go over the 4 pages that is okay- but please be mindful of your paper’s length.
1. 3-4 pages in length2. 12 point arial font3. 1.5 spacing4. 0.8-1.0 inch margins5. Include an introductory and summary paragraph.