2-3 pages case study | Computer Science homework help

2-3 pages case study | Computer Science homework help

2-3 pages case study | Computer Science homework help

Chapter 6 of your textbook, Managing and Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach, provides an overview of architecture and infrastructure as they relate to organizational IT design. Read Case Study 6-2, “The Case of Extreme Scientists,” on pages 195–196 in the textbook and answer all three questions regarding Amazon’s supercomputing architecture:

  • How would you describe the architecture Dr. Schadt uses to do his research?
  • What are the risks Dr. Schadt faces by using Amazon for his supercomputing? What are the benefits?
  • If you were advising a company trying to make a decision about using cloud computing for key business applications, what would you advise and why?

2-3 pages case study | Computer Science homework help

Chapter 6 of your textbook, Managing and Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach, provides an overview of architecture and infrastructure as they relate to organizational IT design. Read Case Study 6-2, “The Case of Extreme Scientists,” on pages 195–196 in the textbook and answer all three questions regarding Amazon’s supercomputing architecture:

  • How would you describe the architecture Dr. Schadt uses to do his research?
  • What are the risks Dr. Schadt faces by using Amazon for his supercomputing? What are the benefits?
  • If you were advising a company trying to make a decision about using cloud computing for key business applications, what would you advise and why?

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