Art David Friedrichs The Stages of Life Paper

Art David Friedrichs The Stages of Life Paper

Art David Friedrichs The Stages of Life Paper

The panting called the stage of life

Explanation & Answer length: 1000 words3 attachmentsSlide 1 of 3


AA Assignments Paper – part 2 Paper – part 2 ” Listen ! Hide Assignment Informa!on Instruc!ons Part 2: Visual analysis with thesis – due March 19 by midnight Turn your description into a thesis-driven analysis. In order to do this, look back at your painting and, based on what you observed in the first paper, identify a theme which you think captures the meaning of what the artist tried to express. A thesis can be about an emotion, mood, or a point of view. It can be about an interpretation of something in the world, or an attitude. A thesis goes beyond anything that is only descriptive because it expresses an interpretation – your interpretation – supported by visual evidence. Proceed as follows: a. Rewrite your first paragraph to include your thesis statement b. Revise every other paragraph to include a topic sentence that states how that aspect of the painting (subject, color, etc.) supports your thesis. c. Add language throughout that ties your observations into the thesis as it is relevant. d. Write with confidence. Do not use phrases like “kind of” or “almost” or “in my opinion” or “I may be wrong but” or “I’m not sure”. Write like you know what you’re talking about. Your paper should be no less than 1000 words. Any paper that falls short of the word count will have points deducted from the grade. Due Date Mar 19, 2021 11:59 PM Submit Assignment Files to submit (0) file(s) to submit A”er uploading, you must click Submit to complete the submission. Add a File Record Audio Record Video Comments Submit Cancel 1 THE STAGES OF LIFE The Stages of Life Description The stages in life is a painting that was painted in 1835 in Germany. Its style is one of Romanticism, and its Genre is an allegorical painting. The primary material used in the painting is canvas and oil. Currently, it is located at the Museum der Bildenden Kunste in Germany. It has a size of 72.5 x 94 cm (Sibel, 2018). an allegorical painting. “The stages of life” is a painting set up along the seashore. There appears to be an aged man who has turned his back on the viewers in the foreground. The older adult seems to be making his way towards two children and two adults on top of a hill overlooking the harbor. Five ships echo the human figures. Each vessel is at a different distance from the shore from the other. This difference in the distance symbolizes the various stages in human life; the end of the journey symbolizes the end of life. When the artist was painting these particular figures, he seems to have been referring to his family. The aged man might be the artist himself, and the other people his family members. According to the parting, the time seems to be during the evening as dusk falls. Approaching the harbor are three ships returning home. One of the vessels is already at the dock, and it is drawing its sails. The other two smaller boats are yet to get to the shore. Specific details are clear from the small boats. The ship on the right is seen to move towards a group of five people at the bank. Viewing from their clothes, they do not seem to be from around here. They may be townsmen. A young boy holding a Swedish pennant sits in their midst, while beside him is a girl trying to get it. On their further right, a woman is observed to lean towards the children and raise her right hand. THE STAGES OF LIFE 2 The five ships correspond to the five figures on the harbor. The figures include an aged man, two adults, and two children. These human figures seem to echo the ships’ position at various distances from the harbor, signifying the stages in life and closeness to death. The ship at the center seems to represent the mother. Further from the shore are two smaller boats. This appears to reference the two children. It is just like their voyage just begun, and thus they remain in the clear shallow waters. Across the horizon, a ship seems to be disappearing as if into the horizon. This references the older man’s voyage to a voyage out of this life that was still unknown. Ultimately, the painting could also be viewed from a different angle by someone with a different perspective. From a distance, the two ships are the parents, gaining new experiences and wisdom as parents. The ship closest to the shore is the aged man. He has lived a full life and gained enough experience, and he now pulls into the harbor when his life is coming to an end. The painting is based on a harbor, where a family sits as they face the sea. Children play while the older adult faces his back away from the audience and walks towards the sea. Approaching the harbor are five ships, all at different distances from the shore. The painting shows the symmetry potential between the five ships coming to the dock and the shore’s human figures. With that, it is clear to say that each ship represents a person on that harbor. The scene is not crowded, however. Everyone seems to have their own space. However, the children are relatively close to each other and appear to be playing. Their mother, on the other hand, is situated closeby watching her children play. The ships, however, on the other hand, are not close to each other. Calmness and tranquility are achieved in the painting through shades of blue, orange, and yellow, which fill up the sky. The soft grey lines help in increasing the calmness of the picture. A strong contrast is created through the dark soil. It contrasts the bold sky, and with human figures THE STAGES OF LIFE 3 placed in the background, it gives a sense of two worlds separating the people. The painting has a natural fascination in how the picture has a clear and balanced composition in its colors’ charms (Alfeld et al., 2020). The painting is dimly lit. It seems like it was painted with a theme set of an evening when the sun is setting. Shadows of the boats can be seen from afar, which further supports that the painting is an evening set up. This depiction of light is essential in creating and illustrating space within the image. Without light, it would be challenging to observe any feature in the painting. But when shadows are incorporated, it becomes easier to define objects more realistically. With the realism created, an item can be described more truthfully and honestly. The painting has created a great atmosphere. This is mostly as a result of the careful color brushes that the painter has used. The glowing colors help create a sort of spiritual beatitude. There is tremendous precision in how the painter paints the light, the tree, colors, and the vegetation. The brush strokes used in making this create inspiration in the senses that perceive it. 4 THE STAGES OF LIFE References Alfeld, M., Mösl, K., & Reiche, I. (2020). Sunset and moonshine: Variable blue and yellow pigments used by Caspar David Friedrich in different creative periods revealed by in situ XRF imaging. X‐Ray Spectrometry. Sibel, A. I. (2018). VOYAGE OF LİFE: AGES OF MAN İN PAİNTİNGS. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, (5), 3-7. Friedrich, Stages of Life
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Art David Friedrichs The Stages of Life Paper

The panting called the stage of life

Explanation & Answer length: 1000 words3 attachmentsSlide 1 of 3


AA Assignments Paper – part 2 Paper – part 2 ” Listen ! Hide Assignment Informa!on Instruc!ons Part 2: Visual analysis with thesis – due March 19 by midnight Turn your description into a thesis-driven analysis. In order to do this, look back at your painting and, based on what you observed in the first paper, identify a theme which you think captures the meaning of what the artist tried to express. A thesis can be about an emotion, mood, or a point of view. It can be about an interpretation of something in the world, or an attitude. A thesis goes beyond anything that is only descriptive because it expresses an interpretation – your interpretation – supported by visual evidence. Proceed as follows: a. Rewrite your first paragraph to include your thesis statement b. Revise every other paragraph to include a topic sentence that states how that aspect of the painting (subject, color, etc.) supports your thesis. c. Add language throughout that ties your observations into the thesis as it is relevant. d. Write with confidence. Do not use phrases like “kind of” or “almost” or “in my opinion” or “I may be wrong but” or “I’m not sure”. Write like you know what you’re talking about. Your paper should be no less than 1000 words. Any paper that falls short of the word count will have points deducted from the grade. Due Date Mar 19, 2021 11:59 PM Submit Assignment Files to submit (0) file(s) to submit A”er uploading, you must click Submit to complete the submission. Add a File Record Audio Record Video Comments Submit Cancel 1 THE STAGES OF LIFE The Stages of Life Description The stages in life is a painting that was painted in 1835 in Germany. Its style is one of Romanticism, and its Genre is an allegorical painting. The primary material used in the painting is canvas and oil. Currently, it is located at the Museum der Bildenden Kunste in Germany. It has a size of 72.5 x 94 cm (Sibel, 2018). an allegorical painting. “The stages of life” is a painting set up along the seashore. There appears to be an aged man who has turned his back on the viewers in the foreground. The older adult seems to be making his way towards two children and two adults on top of a hill overlooking the harbor. Five ships echo the human figures. Each vessel is at a different distance from the shore from the other. This difference in the distance symbolizes the various stages in human life; the end of the journey symbolizes the end of life. When the artist was painting these particular figures, he seems to have been referring to his family. The aged man might be the artist himself, and the other people his family members. According to the parting, the time seems to be during the evening as dusk falls. Approaching the harbor are three ships returning home. One of the vessels is already at the dock, and it is drawing its sails. The other two smaller boats are yet to get to the shore. Specific details are clear from the small boats. The ship on the right is seen to move towards a group of five people at the bank. Viewing from their clothes, they do not seem to be from around here. They may be townsmen. A young boy holding a Swedish pennant sits in their midst, while beside him is a girl trying to get it. On their further right, a woman is observed to lean towards the children and raise her right hand. THE STAGES OF LIFE 2 The five ships correspond to the five figures on the harbor. The figures include an aged man, two adults, and two children. These human figures seem to echo the ships’ position at various distances from the harbor, signifying the stages in life and closeness to death. The ship at the center seems to represent the mother. Further from the shore are two smaller boats. This appears to reference the two children. It is just like their voyage just begun, and thus they remain in the clear shallow waters. Across the horizon, a ship seems to be disappearing as if into the horizon. This references the older man’s voyage to a voyage out of this life that was still unknown. Ultimately, the painting could also be viewed from a different angle by someone with a different perspective. From a distance, the two ships are the parents, gaining new experiences and wisdom as parents. The ship closest to the shore is the aged man. He has lived a full life and gained enough experience, and he now pulls into the harbor when his life is coming to an end. The painting is based on a harbor, where a family sits as they face the sea. Children play while the older adult faces his back away from the audience and walks towards the sea. Approaching the harbor are five ships, all at different distances from the shore. The painting shows the symmetry potential between the five ships coming to the dock and the shore’s human figures. With that, it is clear to say that each ship represents a person on that harbor. The scene is not crowded, however. Everyone seems to have their own space. However, the children are relatively close to each other and appear to be playing. Their mother, on the other hand, is situated closeby watching her children play. The ships, however, on the other hand, are not close to each other. Calmness and tranquility are achieved in the painting through shades of blue, orange, and yellow, which fill up the sky. The soft grey lines help in increasing the calmness of the picture. A strong contrast is created through the dark soil. It contrasts the bold sky, and with human figures THE STAGES OF LIFE 3 placed in the background, it gives a sense of two worlds separating the people. The painting has a natural fascination in how the picture has a clear and balanced composition in its colors’ charms (Alfeld et al., 2020). The painting is dimly lit. It seems like it was painted with a theme set of an evening when the sun is setting. Shadows of the boats can be seen from afar, which further supports that the painting is an evening set up. This depiction of light is essential in creating and illustrating space within the image. Without light, it would be challenging to observe any feature in the painting. But when shadows are incorporated, it becomes easier to define objects more realistically. With the realism created, an item can be described more truthfully and honestly. The painting has created a great atmosphere. This is mostly as a result of the careful color brushes that the painter has used. The glowing colors help create a sort of spiritual beatitude. There is tremendous precision in how the painter paints the light, the tree, colors, and the vegetation. The brush strokes used in making this create inspiration in the senses that perceive it. 4 THE STAGES OF LIFE References Alfeld, M., Mösl, K., & Reiche, I. (2020). Sunset and moonshine: Variable blue and yellow pigments used by Caspar David Friedrich in different creative periods revealed by in situ XRF imaging. X‐Ray Spectrometry. Sibel, A. I. (2018). VOYAGE OF LİFE: AGES OF MAN İN PAİNTİNGS. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, (5), 3-7. Friedrich, Stages of Life
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