BIO 1407 Mountain View College Protists The First Eukaryotes Lab Report

BIO 1407 Mountain View College Protists The First Eukaryotes Lab Report

BIO 1407 Mountain View College Protists The First Eukaryotes Lab Report

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Eyespot Nucleus Chloroplast Flagellum Supergroup Clade Excavata Diplomonad Genus/Species name Parabasalid Excavata Euglena Trypanosoma brucei Euglenozoan Image Stipe Holdfast Air Bladder Frond Cilia Micronucleus Oral Groove Macronucleus Contractile Vacuole Sporozoite Liver Stage Anopheles Asexual Blood Stage Zygote Gametocyte Stage Oocyst Clade Common Name of Clade Genus/Species name Stramenopile Vaugeria geminata Sargassum Brown Algae Image Clade Common Name of Clade Genus/Species name Stramenopile Ceratium Ciliates Alveolate Ciliates Image Clade Common Name of Clade Genus/Species name Plasmodium falciparum Foraminiferans Rhizarian Image Nucleus Chloroplast Pyrenoid Cell Wall Clade Common name of Clade Genus/Species name Red Algae Polysiphonia Green Algae Gonium Chlorophyta Green Algae Image Supergroup Clade Chlorophyta Green Algae Genus/Species name Charophyta Green Algae Zygnema Charophyta Image Nucleus Pseudopod Food Vacuole Contractile

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BIO 1407 Mountain View College Protists The First Eukaryotes Lab Report

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Eyespot Nucleus Chloroplast Flagellum Supergroup Clade Excavata Diplomonad Genus/Species name Parabasalid Excavata Euglena Trypanosoma brucei Euglenozoan Image Stipe Holdfast Air Bladder Frond Cilia Micronucleus Oral Groove Macronucleus Contractile Vacuole Sporozoite Liver Stage Anopheles Asexual Blood Stage Zygote Gametocyte Stage Oocyst Clade Common Name of Clade Genus/Species name Stramenopile Vaugeria geminata Sargassum Brown Algae Image Clade Common Name of Clade Genus/Species name Stramenopile Ceratium Ciliates Alveolate Ciliates Image Clade Common Name of Clade Genus/Species name Plasmodium falciparum Foraminiferans Rhizarian Image Nucleus Chloroplast Pyrenoid Cell Wall Clade Common name of Clade Genus/Species name Red Algae Polysiphonia Green Algae Gonium Chlorophyta Green Algae Image Supergroup Clade Chlorophyta Green Algae Genus/Species name Charophyta Green Algae Zygnema Charophyta Image Nucleus Pseudopod Food Vacuole Contractile

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