Business model/ plan for EVENT PLANNER SERVICE – custom papers

Business model/ plan for EVENT PLANNER SERVICE – custom papers 

Business model/ plan for EVENT PLANNER SERVICE – custom papers

Business model/ plan for EVENT PLANNER SERVICEBusiness model/ plan for EVENT PLANNER SERVICEThe business model / plan should not exceed 2000 words, excluding appendices. Marking criteria Success / Business model (10%) – Overview of your business model; This could include a vision, and should articulate your story of business. Viability summary (5%) -The plan explains how the business model will reach viability, being the point at which the business reaches breakeven and is economically sustainable. Components of Business Model Canvas (10%) -The plan uses the components of the BMC to describe the business model required to reach this level of viability. Hypotheses (15%) -The hypothetical linkages between the components of your business model are identified with an explanation of how robust / believable they are e.g. number of customers / suppliers / consulted; observations made; surveys completed. Growth summary (5%) -The plan communicates how the business will grow from initial viability to a more ambitious implementation over an extended timeframe (for example 5 or 10 years). Components of Business Model Canvas (10%) -The plan uses the components of the BMC that need to change in order for the business model to grow over the identified extended timeframe. Hypotheses (15%) -The hypothetical linkages between the components of your business model are identified with an explanation of how robust / believable they are i.e supported through scenario planning, sensitivity analysis, Cost, data-forecasts (Budget, break even analysis) Evidence base (20%) -The business model has been developed with evidence of: robust primary research, customer interaction and consultation with experts; diligent use of relevant analytical tools such as scenario planning, etc. Evidence of these must be provided within the appendix Communication of plan (10%) -The plan is clearly and consistently communicated, with appropriate grammar and relevant referencing where necessary. Visual techniques are used as appropriate to simplify and reinforce delivery
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Business model/ plan for EVENT PLANNER SERVICE – custom papers

Business model/ plan for EVENT PLANNER SERVICEBusiness model/ plan for EVENT PLANNER SERVICEThe business model / plan should not exceed 2000 words, excluding appendices. Marking criteria Success / Business model (10%) – Overview of your business model; This could include a vision, and should articulate your story of business. Viability summary (5%) -The plan explains how the business model will reach viability, being the point at which the business reaches breakeven and is economically sustainable. Components of Business Model Canvas (10%) -The plan uses the components of the BMC to describe the business model required to reach this level of viability. Hypotheses (15%) -The hypothetical linkages between the components of your business model are identified with an explanation of how robust / believable they are e.g. number of customers / suppliers / consulted; observations made; surveys completed. Growth summary (5%) -The plan communicates how the business will grow from initial viability to a more ambitious implementation over an extended timeframe (for example 5 or 10 years). Components of Business Model Canvas (10%) -The plan uses the components of the BMC that need to change in order for the business model to grow over the identified extended timeframe. Hypotheses (15%) -The hypothetical linkages between the components of your business model are identified with an explanation of how robust / believable they are i.e supported through scenario planning, sensitivity analysis, Cost, data-forecasts (Budget, break even analysis) Evidence base (20%) -The business model has been developed with evidence of: robust primary research, customer interaction and consultation with experts; diligent use of relevant analytical tools such as scenario planning, etc. Evidence of these must be provided within the appendix Communication of plan (10%) -The plan is clearly and consistently communicated, with appropriate grammar and relevant referencing where necessary. Visual techniques are used as appropriate to simplify and reinforce delivery
Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you. We assure you an A+ quality paper that is free from plagiarism. Order now for an Amazing Discount!Use Discount Code “Newclient” for a 15% Discount!NB: We do not resell papers. Upon ordering, we do an original paper exclusively for you.

Business model/ plan for EVENT PLANNER SERVICE – custom papers

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