CH7 Team Management Activity and Reflection

CH7 Team Management Activity and Reflection

CH7 Team Management Activity and Reflection

Scenario:Assume you are an employee working in the Amazon warehouse, and you pack orders and categorize them into small, medium, and large batches. You are considered a packer. You have experience packing all sizes and have been with the organization for two years. You are considered one of their best employees, you have a solid reputation for being a hard worker, and all of your orders are packed correctly. You have also been busy; you recently completed Amazon’s management training program, and you have completed your BABA degree at the Forbes School of Business and Technology at the University of the Arizona Global Campus.

Congratulations: You have just been promoted to manager. You will be relocated to a new plant that is two hours away that employs 100 employees. You will oversee a team of 10 supervisors and 90 packers and will now oversee the entire warehouse operation. How will you work to use and apply the five functions of management?

Now let’s apply the five functions. In your paper, include the following sections:

  • Planning: Examine the specific areas you will choose to manage that fall under the planning function.
    • For example, what might be some of the things you will plan to do and implement to build an effective team and culture? People are the most important resource in any business, what do you plan to do to build a positive team culture? What processes and systems do you plan to use?
  • Organizing: Assess if the present structure that Amazon has set up is working.
    • Do you need to make or suggest any changes to make it more efficient and effective? What structure will you use and implement? Explain how you will use departmentalization in your organizational structure.
  • Staffing: Analyze your staffing needs.
    • How do you intend to staff your organization and replace members that leave or are promoted? How does the HR process apply? What things (if any) will you suggest?
  • Leading: Justify the leadership theory and style you will follow to ensure efficiency.
    • Will you use transformational or transactional leadership? Why or why not?
  • Controls: Identify what controls and measures you will implement.
    • How will you apply the four steps of control (these are in Chapter 7; i.e., establishing standards, measuring performance, comparing performance, and making decisions)?

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4/19/2021 MGT 330: The Five Functions of Effective Management 2e – 1.3 The Five Management Functions 1.3 The Five Management Functions 1.3 The Five Management Func ons The five management func ons include planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling human and other resources to achieve organiza onal goals. All organiza ons, regardless of their performance levels or profit mo ves, have a management structure and management staff. Although the organiza on exists for a par cular purpose, such as producing a product or service, the responsibility for mission achievement requires a central figure, and in some cases figures, to coordinate these five primary ac vi es. Planning Managers use planning to choose appropriate organiza onal goals and iden fy courses of ac on to best reach those goals. Managers will engage in a variety of planning ac vi es in the course of their work to achieve organiza onal or departmental goals. The following steps are involved in planning: 1. Examining the company’s internal and external environments to discover company strengths and weaknesses and emerging opportuni es and threats 2. Determining which goals the organiza on will pursue 3. Choosing strategies, tac cs, and opera onal plans to achieve company goals 4. Alloca ng organiza onal resources to pursue the company’s goals Assessing the Environment Planning begins when managers understand the contexts in which they operate. The management team starts the planning process by examining the company’s opera ons. In terms of internal factors, the overall assessment of the firm’s internal environment begins with a focus on the company strengths and weaknesses. Strengths might include holding a large share of the market, a patent on a key piece of technology, a vital work force, or governmental protec on in the form of a licensed monopoly or other limits to new compe on. Managers may discover that the organiza on has a powerful sales force or a crea ve research and development department (R&D). Weaknesses include any poorly managed company opera ons, including produc on, quality control, sales, accoun ng, or informa on technology efforts. For example, a website that is difficult to navigate and that turns away poten al customers represents a company weakness. A company with a reputa on for selling defec ve products experiences a weakness. Next, every firm, no ma er how large or small, is part of a larger external environment. Opportuni es and threats are present in that environment. The management team researches a series of forces that can affect a company’s opera ons, including poli cal and legal forces social trends economic condi ons technological changes compe ve forces 1/7 4/19/2021 MGT 330: The Five Functions of Effective Management 2e – 1.3 The Five Management Functions Opportuni es may arise from any of these factors. When the government shi ed television 1.3 The Five Management Functions programming from analog signals to high defini on, an array of companies were able to take advantage by crea ng new television sets, antenna adapters, and other products. Social trends affect fads and fashions, which result in new opportuni es to sell products. Economic condi ons shi purchasing habits. A growing or healthy economy o en leads to increased sales by individual companies. Technologies create new products and improved products. Compe tors may seek to merge to build a more powerful alliance against a dominant company. Threats may result from poor economic condi ons, new compe tors, bad publicity, or products nearing the ends of their life cycles, such as tradi onal photography products (film), landline telephones, and walk-in movie rental stores. New tax laws can create advantages for some and threats to other firms. This combina on of internal and external forces creates the need for what is referred to as a SWOT analysis (SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportuni es, and threats). The “Management in Prac ce” box provides an example of a SWOT analysis performed on a newspaper in a Midwestern city. MANAGEMENT IN PRACTICE The Joplin Globe: A SWOT Analysis The city of Joplin, Missouri, is home to one newspaper: The Joplin Globe. The newspaper holds a near monopoly in town (with only very slight compe on from USA Today and papers from nearby ci es), which accounts for its first strength. A second strength comes from a quality staff of writers and editors, including one individual who writes a popular daily personal interest column. A third strength is the ability to cover local events in greater detail than any other medium, such as radio or television,

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CH7 Team Management Activity and Reflection

Scenario:Assume you are an employee working in the Amazon warehouse, and you pack orders and categorize them into small, medium, and large batches. You are considered a packer. You have experience packing all sizes and have been with the organization for two years. You are considered one of their best employees, you have a solid reputation for being a hard worker, and all of your orders are packed correctly. You have also been busy; you recently completed Amazon’s management training program, and you have completed your BABA degree at the Forbes School of Business and Technology at the University of the Arizona Global Campus.

Congratulations: You have just been promoted to manager. You will be relocated to a new plant that is two hours away that employs 100 employees. You will oversee a team of 10 supervisors and 90 packers and will now oversee the entire warehouse operation. How will you work to use and apply the five functions of management?

Now let’s apply the five functions. In your paper, include the following sections:

  • Planning: Examine the specific areas you will choose to manage that fall under the planning function.
    • For example, what might be some of the things you will plan to do and implement to build an effective team and culture? People are the most important resource in any business, what do you plan to do to build a positive team culture? What processes and systems do you plan to use?
  • Organizing: Assess if the present structure that Amazon has set up is working.
    • Do you need to make or suggest any changes to make it more efficient and effective? What structure will you use and implement? Explain how you will use departmentalization in your organizational structure.
  • Staffing: Analyze your staffing needs.
    • How do you intend to staff your organization and replace members that leave or are promoted? How does the HR process apply? What things (if any) will you suggest?
  • Leading: Justify the leadership theory and style you will follow to ensure efficiency.
    • Will you use transformational or transactional leadership? Why or why not?
  • Controls: Identify what controls and measures you will implement.
    • How will you apply the four steps of control (these are in Chapter 7; i.e., establishing standards, measuring performance, comparing performance, and making decisions)?

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4/19/2021 MGT 330: The Five Functions of Effective Management 2e – 1.3 The Five Management Functions 1.3 The Five Management Functions 1.3 The Five Management Func ons The five management func ons include planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling human and other resources to achieve organiza onal goals. All organiza ons, regardless of their performance levels or profit mo ves, have a management structure and management staff. Although the organiza on exists for a par cular purpose, such as producing a product or service, the responsibility for mission achievement requires a central figure, and in some cases figures, to coordinate these five primary ac vi es. Planning Managers use planning to choose appropriate organiza onal goals and iden fy courses of ac on to best reach those goals. Managers will engage in a variety of planning ac vi es in the course of their work to achieve organiza onal or departmental goals. The following steps are involved in planning: 1. Examining the company’s internal and external environments to discover company strengths and weaknesses and emerging opportuni es and threats 2. Determining which goals the organiza on will pursue 3. Choosing strategies, tac cs, and opera onal plans to achieve company goals 4. Alloca ng organiza onal resources to pursue the company’s goals Assessing the Environment Planning begins when managers understand the contexts in which they operate. The management team starts the planning process by examining the company’s opera ons. In terms of internal factors, the overall assessment of the firm’s internal environment begins with a focus on the company strengths and weaknesses. Strengths might include holding a large share of the market, a patent on a key piece of technology, a vital work force, or governmental protec on in the form of a licensed monopoly or other limits to new compe on. Managers may discover that the organiza on has a powerful sales force or a crea ve research and development department (R&D). Weaknesses include any poorly managed company opera ons, including produc on, quality control, sales, accoun ng, or informa on technology efforts. For example, a website that is difficult to navigate and that turns away poten al customers represents a company weakness. A company with a reputa on for selling defec ve products experiences a weakness. Next, every firm, no ma er how large or small, is part of a larger external environment. Opportuni es and threats are present in that environment. The management team researches a series of forces that can affect a company’s opera ons, including poli cal and legal forces social trends economic condi ons technological changes compe ve forces 1/7 4/19/2021 MGT 330: The Five Functions of Effective Management 2e – 1.3 The Five Management Functions Opportuni es may arise from any of these factors. When the government shi ed television 1.3 The Five Management Functions programming from analog signals to high defini on, an array of companies were able to take advantage by crea ng new television sets, antenna adapters, and other products. Social trends affect fads and fashions, which result in new opportuni es to sell products. Economic condi ons shi purchasing habits. A growing or healthy economy o en leads to increased sales by individual companies. Technologies create new products and improved products. Compe tors may seek to merge to build a more powerful alliance against a dominant company. Threats may result from poor economic condi ons, new compe tors, bad publicity, or products nearing the ends of their life cycles, such as tradi onal photography products (film), landline telephones, and walk-in movie rental stores. New tax laws can create advantages for some and threats to other firms. This combina on of internal and external forces creates the need for what is referred to as a SWOT analysis (SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportuni es, and threats). The “Management in Prac ce” box provides an example of a SWOT analysis performed on a newspaper in a Midwestern city. MANAGEMENT IN PRACTICE The Joplin Globe: A SWOT Analysis The city of Joplin, Missouri, is home to one newspaper: The Joplin Globe. The newspaper holds a near monopoly in town (with only very slight compe on from USA Today and papers from nearby ci es), which accounts for its first strength. A second strength comes from a quality staff of writers and editors, including one individual who writes a popular daily personal interest column. A third strength is the ability to cover local events in greater detail than any other medium, such as radio or television,

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