Disaster Recovery Plan Assignment Help

Disaster Recovery Plan Assignment Help

Disaster Recovery Plan Assignment Help

For this project, you will create a disaster recovery plan (DRP) for an organization that i have chosen above tittle . and it should cover all below topics ,and should be in APA format and i need PPT of 12 to 13 slides and atleas 3-4 references.
The DRP must contain the following:
(a) Include name and background of the organization
(b) Identification of employees and where they are located – include facilities
(c) Inventory of hardware and software
(d) Determination of allowable downtime
(e) Description of roles and responsibilities
(f) Creation of a communications management plan
(g) Discussion of action to take when an emergency occurs (i.e., cold site, warm site, and hot site (SLAs) and contracts
(h) Discussion regarding how sensitive information will be handled
(i) Discussion pertaining to how the plan will be tested
(j) Cover how you will get top management involvement in the creation and testing of the plan
(k) Include business continuity plan
(l) References (at least 15 reputable sources)
Deliverables –  Sumbit Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) in MS Word format (no specific page requirements, just meet the expectations).

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Disaster Recovery Plan Assignment Help

For this project, you will create a disaster recovery plan (DRP) for an organization that i have chosen above tittle . and it should cover all below topics ,and should be in APA format and i need PPT of 12 to 13 slides and atleas 3-4 references.
The DRP must contain the following:
(a) Include name and background of the organization
(b) Identification of employees and where they are located – include facilities
(c) Inventory of hardware and software
(d) Determination of allowable downtime
(e) Description of roles and responsibilities
(f) Creation of a communications management plan
(g) Discussion of action to take when an emergency occurs (i.e., cold site, warm site, and hot site (SLAs) and contracts
(h) Discussion regarding how sensitive information will be handled
(i) Discussion pertaining to how the plan will be tested
(j) Cover how you will get top management involvement in the creation and testing of the plan
(k) Include business continuity plan
(l) References (at least 15 reputable sources)
Deliverables –  Sumbit Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) in MS Word format (no specific page requirements, just meet the expectations).

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