Discuss the difference between Structuralism and Functionalism. How were the two schools (Chicago and Columbia) similar and different?

Discuss the difference between Structuralism and Functionalism. How were the two schools (Chicago and Columbia) similar and different?

Discuss the difference between Structuralism and Functionalism. How were the two schools (Chicago and Columbia) similar and different?

Discussion QuestionsAll assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style and must be written at graduate level English. You must integrate the material presented in the text to support your discussion, citing in APA format. Outside sources may be used to support the text information, but not replace the text.Your response to each question should be approx. 1 page per question.Assignment should be 16 pages total plus a title and reference page1.   There are many reasons why the history of psychology is important.  Pick two reasons and explain why they are important.2.  Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were important figures in Philosophy leading up to Psychology.  Discuss how these three paved the way for Psychology.3.  Discuss how Augustine changed the locus of control human behavior, from forces outside the person to forces inside the person.4.  Discuss the mind-Body interaction as seen by Descartes.  How did Descartes theories contribute to the beginning of Psychology?5.  Compare the roles of Locke, Berkeley, and Hume, and their importance in early Psychology.6.   Herbert was an important transitional figure between philosophy and psychology.  How do his theories bring these two disciplines together?7.  Discus the commonalities and the differences between existentialism and romanticism.8.  What were Fechner’s contributions to the development of psychology as a science?
9.  Compare and contrast Wundt’s view of Psychology with Titchener’s views.  Which one do you agree with more?10.  There were many controversies over intelligence testing.  Discuss the importance of Cattell, Binet, Spearman, Goddard, Terman and Yerkes in testing history.  Briefly discuss the Bell Curve theory (without pictures), as it applies to testing IQ.11.  Discuss the difference between Structuralism and Functionalism.  How were the two schools (Chicago and Columbia) similar and different?12.  Pavlov and Watson are major behaviorists.   Explain William McDougall’s outlook and theories and why he is not as well known.13.  Skinner was known as the leading neobehavorist.  Why were Tolman, Hull and Gutherie not as well known?  Be sure to include Tolman, Hull and Gutherie’s theories.14.  Discuss the founding of Gestalt theory.  What impact did it have on psychology and therapy?15.  Summarize the medical, psychological and supernatural models of mental illness and give examples of each.16.  Sigmund Freud is credited with being the Father of Psychoanalysis.  Compare and contrast how Anna Freud, Carl Jung, Alfred Adler and Karen Horney morphed Freud’s original theories into working theories that we still use today.
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Discuss the difference between Structuralism and Functionalism. How were the two schools (Chicago and Columbia) similar and different?

Discussion QuestionsAll assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style and must be written at graduate level English. You must integrate the material presented in the text to support your discussion, citing in APA format. Outside sources may be used to support the text information, but not replace the text.Your response to each question should be approx. 1 page per question.Assignment should be 16 pages total plus a title and reference page1.   There are many reasons why the history of psychology is important.  Pick two reasons and explain why they are important.2.  Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were important figures in Philosophy leading up to Psychology.  Discuss how these three paved the way for Psychology.3.  Discuss how Augustine changed the locus of control human behavior, from forces outside the person to forces inside the person.4.  Discuss the mind-Body interaction as seen by Descartes.  How did Descartes theories contribute to the beginning of Psychology?5.  Compare the roles of Locke, Berkeley, and Hume, and their importance in early Psychology.6.   Herbert was an important transitional figure between philosophy and psychology.  How do his theories bring these two disciplines together?7.  Discus the commonalities and the differences between existentialism and romanticism.8.  What were Fechner’s contributions to the development of psychology as a science?
9.  Compare and contrast Wundt’s view of Psychology with Titchener’s views.  Which one do you agree with more?10.  There were many controversies over intelligence testing.  Discuss the importance of Cattell, Binet, Spearman, Goddard, Terman and Yerkes in testing history.  Briefly discuss the Bell Curve theory (without pictures), as it applies to testing IQ.11.  Discuss the difference between Structuralism and Functionalism.  How were the two schools (Chicago and Columbia) similar and different?12.  Pavlov and Watson are major behaviorists.   Explain William McDougall’s outlook and theories and why he is not as well known.13.  Skinner was known as the leading neobehavorist.  Why were Tolman, Hull and Gutherie not as well known?  Be sure to include Tolman, Hull and Gutherie’s theories.14.  Discuss the founding of Gestalt theory.  What impact did it have on psychology and therapy?15.  Summarize the medical, psychological and supernatural models of mental illness and give examples of each.16.  Sigmund Freud is credited with being the Father of Psychoanalysis.  Compare and contrast how Anna Freud, Carl Jung, Alfred Adler and Karen Horney morphed Freud’s original theories into working theories that we still use today.
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