ENTD220 week 7

ENTD220 week 7

ENTD220 week 7

Learning Goal: I’m working on a python question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

# This is the flower box and it should at the beginning of each assignment

# You must add comments to your code
# Program name : Wk7_firstname_lastname.py
# Student Name : Ymmas Azaba
# Course : ENTD220
# Instructor : My instructor
# Date : Any Day

# Copy Wrong : This is my work

You are going to enhance the prior assignment by doing the following

1) Create a class that contain prior functions

Lower Range/Upper range check

Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide

The scalc function (it passes in two numbers and an operator)

Create a dictionary of key-value pairs. E.g., user entered 5, and 2: {“add”: 7, “sub” : 3, “mult”: 10, “div”: 2.5}

2) Test the application

Be sure all components work as designed. Display the output from each function

Submission Instructions:

Make sure that you save your code in a text file in this format;


ENTD220 week 7

Learning Goal: I’m working on a python question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

# This is the flower box and it should at the beginning of each assignment

# You must add comments to your code
# Program name : Wk7_firstname_lastname.py
# Student Name : Ymmas Azaba
# Course : ENTD220
# Instructor : My instructor
# Date : Any Day

# Copy Wrong : This is my work

You are going to enhance the prior assignment by doing the following

1) Create a class that contain prior functions

Lower Range/Upper range check

Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide

The scalc function (it passes in two numbers and an operator)

Create a dictionary of key-value pairs. E.g., user entered 5, and 2: {“add”: 7, “sub” : 3, “mult”: 10, “div”: 2.5}

2) Test the application

Be sure all components work as designed. Display the output from each function

Submission Instructions:

Make sure that you save your code in a text file in this format;


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