evaluate the effectiveness of each step of that process; and, detail the results of the public relations effort.

evaluate the effectiveness of each step of that process; and, detail the results of the public relations effort.

evaluate the effectiveness of each step of that process; and, detail the results of the public relations effort.

OVERALL COMMENTS: Throughout this staged assignment, describe what the organization you chose did right and what it did wrong, as it relates to public relations. You should not let yourself become bogged down in management decisions, corporate policies, science, legal angles and the like – stick to public relations and communications. Evaluate whether the company’s public relations effort was successful. If not, why not? Offer suggestions as to how the organization could have improved each step. These suggestions should not be your first-person opinions; rather, they should be based on credible sources you have uncovered in rigorous research for this assignment. Some of this material may have been covered in Step 3, but for this last step you must write everything out in clear and logical paragraphs that move smoothly from topic to topic. Expect professional writing standards to apply. And most importantly, review the instructor’s grading suggestions and questions offered in the earlier steps of this staged assignment — an easy opportunity to correct all errors in this final piece.Most important is your ability to:describe how the company applied the public relations process to its dilemma, even if the company botched it;evaluate the effectiveness of each step of that process; and,detail the results of the public relations effort.You will be graded on the following:the extent to which your paper shows how the company applied the principles and guidelines described in your course contentthe thoroughness of your research and resulting descriptions, i.e., have you included a problem statement, a situation analysis, a definition of stakeholder groups, program objectives, the evaluation process, and all other pieces of the public relations process, as described in your text?the thoughtfulness and logic of your critique of and recommendations for improving the effortthe clarity, organization, and writing technique displayed in your paper

evaluate the effectiveness of each step of that process; and, detail the results of the public relations effort.

OVERALL COMMENTS: Throughout this staged assignment, describe what the organization you chose did right and what it did wrong, as it relates to public relations. You should not let yourself become bogged down in management decisions, corporate policies, science, legal angles and the like – stick to public relations and communications. Evaluate whether the company’s public relations effort was successful. If not, why not? Offer suggestions as to how the organization could have improved each step. These suggestions should not be your first-person opinions; rather, they should be based on credible sources you have uncovered in rigorous research for this assignment. Some of this material may have been covered in Step 3, but for this last step you must write everything out in clear and logical paragraphs that move smoothly from topic to topic. Expect professional writing standards to apply. And most importantly, review the instructor’s grading suggestions and questions offered in the earlier steps of this staged assignment — an easy opportunity to correct all errors in this final piece.Most important is your ability to:describe how the company applied the public relations process to its dilemma, even if the company botched it;evaluate the effectiveness of each step of that process; and,detail the results of the public relations effort.You will be graded on the following:the extent to which your paper shows how the company applied the principles and guidelines described in your course contentthe thoroughness of your research and resulting descriptions, i.e., have you included a problem statement, a situation analysis, a definition of stakeholder groups, program objectives, the evaluation process, and all other pieces of the public relations process, as described in your text?the thoughtfulness and logic of your critique of and recommendations for improving the effortthe clarity, organization, and writing technique displayed in your paper

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