Florida National University Find the Probability MCQs

Florida National University Find the Probability MCQs

Florida National University Find the Probability MCQs

  1. Question4 PointsThe average length of crocodiles in a swamp is 11.5 feet. If the lengths are normally distributed with a standard deviation of 1.7 feet, find the probability that a crocodile is more than 11 feet long.
    1. 0.88
    2. 0.38
    3. 0.12
    4. 0.62
  2. Question 4 PointsAt a large department store, the average number of years of employment for a cashier is 5.7 with a standard deviation of 1.8 years, and the distribution is approximately normal. If an employee is picked at random, what is the probability that the employee has worked at the store for over 10 years?
    1. 99.2%
    2. 49.2%
    3. 1.7%
    4. 0.8%
  3. Question4 PointsX is a normally distributed random variable with a standard deviation of 3.00. Find the mean of X when 64.8% of the area lies to the left of 8.14. (Note: the diagram is not necessarily to scale.) 
    1. 5.3
    2. 6.7
    3. 7.0
    4. 8.0
  4. Question4 PointsThe average gas mileage of a certain model car is 29.0 miles per gallon. If the gas mileages are normally distributed with a standard deviation of 0.6 miles per gallon, find the probability that a car has a gas mileage of between 28.8 and 29.2 miles per gallon.
    1. 0.261
    2. 0.239
    3. 0.321
    4. 0.131
  5. Question4 PointsIf the standard deviation of a normally distributed population is 56.0 and we take a sample of size 16, then the standard error of the mean is
    1. 14.0
    2. 4.0
    3. 56.0
    4. 3.5
  6. Question 164 PointsThe length of country and western songs is normally distributed and has a mean of 200 seconds and a standard deviation of 30 seconds. Find the probability that a random selection of 9 songs will have mean length of 186.30 seconds or less. Assume the distribution of the lengths of the songs is normal.
    1. 0.91
    2. 0.41
    3. 0.09
    4. 0.59
  7. Question 174 PointsA survey of 250 lobster fishermen found that they catch an average of 32.0 pounds of lobster per day with a standard deviation of 4.0 pounds. If a random sample of 36 lobster fishermen is selected, what is the probability that their average catch is less than 31.5 pounds? Assume the distribution of the weights of lobster is normal.
  8. Question 184 PointsThe difference between a sample mean and the population mean may be referred to as ______________________.
    1. the standard deviation
    2. the variance
    3. skewness
    4. sampling error
  9. Question 194 PointsThe average age of vehicles registered in the United States is 96 months. Assume the population is normally distributed with a standard deviation of 15 months. Find the probability that the mean age of a sample of 36 vehicles is between 98 and 100 months?
    1. 44.5%
    2. 28.8%
    3. 15.7%
    4. 6.4%
  10. Question 204 PointsThe average age of doctors in a certain hospital is 50.0 years old. Suppose the distribution of ages is normal and has a standard deviation of 4.0 years. If 16 doctors are chosen at random for a committee, find the probability that the average age of those doctors is less than 50.3 years. Assume that the variable is normally distributed.
    1. 11.8%
    2. 38.2%
    3. 53.8%
    4. 61.8%
  11. Question 214 PointsOf the members of a Boy Scout troop, 15% have received the first aid merit badge. If 40 boy scouts are selected at random, find the probability that four or more will have the first aid merit badge?
    1. 86.6%
    2. 81.3%
    3. 36.6%
    4. 31.3%
  12. Question 224 PointsA magazine reported that 6% of American drivers admit to reading the newspaper while driving. If 500 drivers are selected at random, find the probability that exactly 40 will admit to reading the newspaper while driving.
    1. 4.7%
    2. 2.0%
    3. 1.3%
    4. 0.6%
  13. Question 234 PointsFive percent of workers in a certain city use public transportation to get work. If you randomly select 250 workers and ask them if they use public transportation to get to work, find the probability that at least 9 workers will say yes.
    1. 0.123
    2. 0.877
    3. 0.036
    4. 0.064
  14. Question 244 PointsFive percent of workers in a certain city use public transportation to get work. If you randomly select 250 workers and ask them if they use public transportation to get to work, find the probability that more than 16 workers will say yes.
    1. 19.2%
    2. 9.2%
    3. 80.8%
    4. 6.4%
  15. Question 254 PointsFive percent of workers in a certain city use public transportation to get work. If you randomly select 250 workers and ask them if they use public transportation to get to work, find the probability that fewer than 16 workers will say yes.
    1. 0.123
    2. 0.092
    3. 0.808
    4. 0.064

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G fnu.blackboard.com View Assessment Choice – Business Homew… choice – Business Homew… Home – YouTube Netflix Traductor de Google Mail – Amanda CoopatBec… View Assessment + © 1.7% Х 0.8% El Question 13 4 Points X is a normally distributed random variable with a standard deviation of 3.00. Find the mean of X when 64.8% of the area lies to the left of 8.14. (Note: the diagram is not necessarily to scale.) IN – 9 A 5.3 B 6.7 C) 7.0 D 8.0 Question 14 4 Points The average gas mileage of a certain model car is 29.0 miles per gallon. If the gas mileages are normally distributed with a standard ? deviation on a milosnar allan find thenrobability that carboczone milovanafhotween 200 and 20.2 milenar allan Pri ♡ 127 minutes remaining Save and Close Submit Ter

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Florida National University Find the Probability MCQs

  1. Question4 PointsThe average length of crocodiles in a swamp is 11.5 feet. If the lengths are normally distributed with a standard deviation of 1.7 feet, find the probability that a crocodile is more than 11 feet long.
    1. 0.88
    2. 0.38
    3. 0.12
    4. 0.62
  2. Question 4 PointsAt a large department store, the average number of years of employment for a cashier is 5.7 with a standard deviation of 1.8 years, and the distribution is approximately normal. If an employee is picked at random, what is the probability that the employee has worked at the store for over 10 years?
    1. 99.2%
    2. 49.2%
    3. 1.7%
    4. 0.8%
  3. Question4 PointsX is a normally distributed random variable with a standard deviation of 3.00. Find the mean of X when 64.8% of the area lies to the left of 8.14. (Note: the diagram is not necessarily to scale.) 
    1. 5.3
    2. 6.7
    3. 7.0
    4. 8.0
  4. Question4 PointsThe average gas mileage of a certain model car is 29.0 miles per gallon. If the gas mileages are normally distributed with a standard deviation of 0.6 miles per gallon, find the probability that a car has a gas mileage of between 28.8 and 29.2 miles per gallon.
    1. 0.261
    2. 0.239
    3. 0.321
    4. 0.131
  5. Question4 PointsIf the standard deviation of a normally distributed population is 56.0 and we take a sample of size 16, then the standard error of the mean is
    1. 14.0
    2. 4.0
    3. 56.0
    4. 3.5
  6. Question 164 PointsThe length of country and western songs is normally distributed and has a mean of 200 seconds and a standard deviation of 30 seconds. Find the probability that a random selection of 9 songs will have mean length of 186.30 seconds or less. Assume the distribution of the lengths of the songs is normal.
    1. 0.91
    2. 0.41
    3. 0.09
    4. 0.59
  7. Question 174 PointsA survey of 250 lobster fishermen found that they catch an average of 32.0 pounds of lobster per day with a standard deviation of 4.0 pounds. If a random sample of 36 lobster fishermen is selected, what is the probability that their average catch is less than 31.5 pounds? Assume the distribution of the weights of lobster is normal.
  8. Question 184 PointsThe difference between a sample mean and the population mean may be referred to as ______________________.
    1. the standard deviation
    2. the variance
    3. skewness
    4. sampling error
  9. Question 194 PointsThe average age of vehicles registered in the United States is 96 months. Assume the population is normally distributed with a standard deviation of 15 months. Find the probability that the mean age of a sample of 36 vehicles is between 98 and 100 months?
    1. 44.5%
    2. 28.8%
    3. 15.7%
    4. 6.4%
  10. Question 204 PointsThe average age of doctors in a certain hospital is 50.0 years old. Suppose the distribution of ages is normal and has a standard deviation of 4.0 years. If 16 doctors are chosen at random for a committee, find the probability that the average age of those doctors is less than 50.3 years. Assume that the variable is normally distributed.
    1. 11.8%
    2. 38.2%
    3. 53.8%
    4. 61.8%
  11. Question 214 PointsOf the members of a Boy Scout troop, 15% have received the first aid merit badge. If 40 boy scouts are selected at random, find the probability that four or more will have the first aid merit badge?
    1. 86.6%
    2. 81.3%
    3. 36.6%
    4. 31.3%
  12. Question 224 PointsA magazine reported that 6% of American drivers admit to reading the newspaper while driving. If 500 drivers are selected at random, find the probability that exactly 40 will admit to reading the newspaper while driving.
    1. 4.7%
    2. 2.0%
    3. 1.3%
    4. 0.6%
  13. Question 234 PointsFive percent of workers in a certain city use public transportation to get work. If you randomly select 250 workers and ask them if they use public transportation to get to work, find the probability that at least 9 workers will say yes.
    1. 0.123
    2. 0.877
    3. 0.036
    4. 0.064
  14. Question 244 PointsFive percent of workers in a certain city use public transportation to get work. If you randomly select 250 workers and ask them if they use public transportation to get to work, find the probability that more than 16 workers will say yes.
    1. 19.2%
    2. 9.2%
    3. 80.8%
    4. 6.4%
  15. Question 254 PointsFive percent of workers in a certain city use public transportation to get work. If you randomly select 250 workers and ask them if they use public transportation to get to work, find the probability that fewer than 16 workers will say yes.
    1. 0.123
    2. 0.092
    3. 0.808
    4. 0.064

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G fnu.blackboard.com View Assessment Choice – Business Homew… choice – Business Homew… Home – YouTube Netflix Traductor de Google Mail – Amanda CoopatBec… View Assessment + © 1.7% Х 0.8% El Question 13 4 Points X is a normally distributed random variable with a standard deviation of 3.00. Find the mean of X when 64.8% of the area lies to the left of 8.14. (Note: the diagram is not necessarily to scale.) IN – 9 A 5.3 B 6.7 C) 7.0 D 8.0 Question 14 4 Points The average gas mileage of a certain model car is 29.0 miles per gallon. If the gas mileages are normally distributed with a standard ? deviation on a milosnar allan find thenrobability that carboczone milovanafhotween 200 and 20.2 milenar allan Pri ♡ 127 minutes remaining Save and Close Submit Ter

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