How to apply for extenuating circumstances: NOTE your lecturer or your module coordinator cannot authorise this for you, it will be a waste of time sending endless emails to them requesting an extenuation. What you need to do is to consult your DBA Programme Handbook where the details of the procedure for extenuation are explained.

How to apply for extenuating circumstances: NOTE your lecturer or your module coordinator cannot authorise this for you, it will be a waste of time sending endless emails to them requesting an extenuation. What you need to do is to consult your DBA Programme Handbook where the details of the procedure for extenuation are explained.

How to apply for extenuating circumstances: NOTE your lecturer or your module coordinator cannot authorise this for you, it will be a waste of time sending endless emails to them requesting an extenuation. What you need to do is to consult your DBA Programme Handbook where the details of the procedure for extenuation are explained.

Various opportunities are given for student feedback on the module. If you have any problems then please raise them, in the first instance, with
the module coordinator. A module review questionnaire will be circulated before the end of the course.
In addition to the core texts, this module booklet provides additional required readings, students are therefore strongly advised to consult the
reading lists for each lecture.
The module will cover a series of topics related to strategic thinking, organisation culture, change management and value management, with the
aim of ensuring that the learning outcomes for the module are met.
Each week, a specific topic will be covered in class. Classes will be in the form of workshops combining formal lectures with seminars. Details
of workshop tasks will be provided on a week-by-week basis in class and via Moodle.
2.1 DBA Strategy into Action ModuleIndicative Weekly Schedule
Programme: Doctor of Business AdministrationModule: Strategy into Action (SIA)Module Co-ordinator: Dr Adebisi Adewole (PhD)Indicative Module Contents
Weekly Topics Theme Contents Sources /BibliographyWeek 1 Induction Registration and Enrolment etc School AdministrationWeek 2
Topic 1
Module Orientation and Introduction
Introduction to Strategy into Action
Exploration of module booklet explaining requirements; contents, assignments and expectations etc
Strategic Management: Context, content and processes;Strategy and the Business Landscape
SIA Module Booklet (Students to ensure they are familiar with their booklet)
Richard Lynch (2015) Strategic Management; Ch 1
Ghemawat Pankat Ch 1,2 &3.Week 3
Topic 2
Theories of Strategy
Prescriptive Vs Emergent Theories of Strategy
Richard Lynch, (2015) Strategic Management; Ch 2Week 4
Topic 3
Organisational DNA: Strategic Analysis and Purpose ; Analysing the strategic environment
The Strategic Environment;The Competitive industry environment – Analysing customer and market segments;Market growth ;Role of Govern
Richard Lynch (2015) Strategic Management; Ch 3Richard Lynch (2015) Strategic Management; Chs 8,9 10, 11 and 12 .
Week 5
Topic 4
Analysing Resources and Capabilities
The Value Chain and Value system; Resource analysis and adding value; the make-or-buy-decision.
Richard Lynch (2015) Strategic Management; Ch 4Week 6
Topic 5
Models of Strategic Change and Strategic Management Tools
Models of Strategic Change and Strategic Management Tools
Application of models
Workshop: Application of models
Week 7
Topic 6
Implementing and Controlling strategic Plan
Role of Technology and Innovation
The Balanced Score Card (Kaplan and Norton)Communicating the Strategy
Knowledge Creation and Competitive advantage
Richard Lynch (2015) Strategic Management; Ch 13
Richard Lynch (2015) Strategic Management; Ch 7Week 8
Topic 7
Organisational Culture
Cultural influence
OD approach to Strategic Change
Schein – Organisational CultureHofstede – National CultureDeal and Kennedy – Organisational Culture
Influence of culture on strategy Development
Planned change processOpen systems thinkingEntering and contractingDiagnosisInterventionsEvaluation
WorkshopApplication of modelsWorking on assignment preparation
Johnson G, Whittington R, & Scholes K (2012) Fundamentals of Strategy; Ch 4
Cummings T.G & Worley C.G (2015) Organisation Development and Change; Part 1 Ch 2 and Part 2 Chps 4-9.
Workshop: Application of models
Week 9
Topic 8 Managing Strategic Change
Student-led workshop
Week 10
Topic 9
Managing Recipients of Strategic Change and Influencing Internal Stakeholders
Managing Recipients of Strategic Change and Influencing Internal Stakeholders
Application of models
LectureCausey T.F Deszca G & Ingols C (2012) Organisational Change; Ch 7
Workshop: Application of models
Week 11
Topic 10
Navigating Strategic Change through Formal Structures and Systems AND the Informal Organisation
Navigating Strategic Change through Formal Structures and Systems AND the Informal Organisation
Application of models
LectureCausey T.F Deszca G & Ingols C (2012; Ch 5
Workshop: Application of models.
Working on assignment preparation
Discuss First draft of courseworkreportWeek 12
Topic 11
Implementing and Action Planning in Strategic Change
Implementing and Action Planning in Strategic Change
Application of models
LectureCausey T.F Deszca G &Ingols C (2012; Ch 9
Workshop: Application of models
Week 13
Topic 12
Students to submit a reflection report with assignment during this week
Students are expected to submit a reflective report with their coursework at the end of this week
Coursework assignment.
Turnitin submission deadline.
Week 14 Module evaluation and reflection Interactive sessionAssessmentWeek 15 Drop- sessions InteractiveAssessment
BibliographyLynch Richard (2015) Strategic Management; Pearson, UKCawsey T F , Deszca G and Ingols C ( 2012), Organisational Change: An Action Oriented Toolkit; Sage, UKCummings T G, and Worley C G (2015) Organisation Development and Change, Cengage Learning, UKKnights D and Willmott H (2017) (Ed), Introducing Organisational Behaviour and Management; Cengage Learning, UKMartin J and Fellenz M (2017), Organisational Behaviour and Management, CengageJohnson G, Whittington R, & Scholes K (2012) Fundamentals of Strategy; Prentice HallGhemawat Pankaj ( 2010) Strategy and the Business Landscape, Pearson Publishers
2.2 Additional information
This is a Doctor of Business Administration module. Students at this level of university study are expected to be capable of independent
learning. Your module tutors will deliver the weekly lecture schedule and take you through the workshops. You are however expected to be aware
that you are responsible for your learning.Your module Coordinator and your module tutors will deliver quality of service and teaching to you and they will be prepared to assist in case
you run into difficulties. You must however understand that you will not be treated as undergraduates who are just experiencing university
education for the first time in their life. Professional Doctorate is one of the topmost level of academic attainment and requires you to behave
maturely and study diligently with minimum supervision.
In addition to your module delivery booklet, you are given access to the Doctor of Business Administration Programme Handbook where you will
find detailed information relating to problems you are likely to encounter. You are advised to read your Programme Handbook thoroughly and
understandably. Your Handbook is available on your DBA Moodle on the University webpage.
Here are some useful hints:2.2.1 Extenuation: How to apply for extenuating circumstances: NOTE your lecturer or your module coordinator cannot authorise this for you, it
will be a waste of time sending endless emails to them requesting an extenuation. What you need to do is to consult your DBA Programme Handbook
where the details of the procedure for extenuation are explained. Basically you will need to go on to the appropriate university website,
download the appropriate forms, complete the forms and send off to the appropriate university team who will process your form for assessment. It
is however expected of you to inform both your module coordinator and your module tutor what you may have done.
2.2.2 Short extension: this facility is available for a few days extension. Should you need a few extra days to complete your assignment, your
module coordinator is the appropriate personnel to contact. You will make your request to your module coordinator with credible evidence (e.g
Medical) to support your claim. Your Module coordinator will assess your situation and decide whether or not to grant you an extension.Note that extensions without credible evidence will normally carry a penalty of 10% markdeduction from the total mark you may have been awarded
in the module.
2.3 Technical problems relating to enrolment, inclusion on turnitin or other IT problems must be directed to ITDS ( you will find ITDS contact
details in your DBA handbook). They are in the best position to resolve your technical problems. Your module lecturer or module coordinator does
not have the technical expertise to resolve IT problems for you.
2.4 Assignment submission and results: if you have submitted an assignment and you have not received your result whilst your colleagues had
already received theirs, your module coordinator will be able to provide you with information. So contact your module coordinator
2.5 Personal Tutor: if you have a personal academic tutor, he/she will be happy to listen to you if you have personal problems bothering you
which may affect your performance. Personal tutors will be able to direct you to the appropriate university department who can help you.

How to apply for extenuating circumstances: NOTE your lecturer or your module coordinator cannot authorise this for you, it will be a waste of time sending endless emails to them requesting an extenuation. What you need to do is to consult your DBA Programme Handbook where the details of the procedure for extenuation are explained.

Various opportunities are given for student feedback on the module. If you have any problems then please raise them, in the first instance, with
the module coordinator. A module review questionnaire will be circulated before the end of the course.
In addition to the core texts, this module booklet provides additional required readings, students are therefore strongly advised to consult the
reading lists for each lecture.
The module will cover a series of topics related to strategic thinking, organisation culture, change management and value management, with the
aim of ensuring that the learning outcomes for the module are met.
Each week, a specific topic will be covered in class. Classes will be in the form of workshops combining formal lectures with seminars. Details
of workshop tasks will be provided on a week-by-week basis in class and via Moodle.
2.1 DBA Strategy into Action ModuleIndicative Weekly Schedule
Programme: Doctor of Business AdministrationModule: Strategy into Action (SIA)Module Co-ordinator: Dr Adebisi Adewole (PhD)Indicative Module Contents
Weekly Topics Theme Contents Sources /BibliographyWeek 1 Induction Registration and Enrolment etc School AdministrationWeek 2
Topic 1
Module Orientation and Introduction
Introduction to Strategy into Action
Exploration of module booklet explaining requirements; contents, assignments and expectations etc
Strategic Management: Context, content and processes;Strategy and the Business Landscape
SIA Module Booklet (Students to ensure they are familiar with their booklet)
Richard Lynch (2015) Strategic Management; Ch 1
Ghemawat Pankat Ch 1,2 &3.Week 3
Topic 2
Theories of Strategy
Prescriptive Vs Emergent Theories of Strategy
Richard Lynch, (2015) Strategic Management; Ch 2Week 4
Topic 3
Organisational DNA: Strategic Analysis and Purpose ; Analysing the strategic environment
The Strategic Environment;The Competitive industry environment – Analysing customer and market segments;Market growth ;Role of Govern
Richard Lynch (2015) Strategic Management; Ch 3Richard Lynch (2015) Strategic Management; Chs 8,9 10, 11 and 12 .
Week 5
Topic 4
Analysing Resources and Capabilities
The Value Chain and Value system; Resource analysis and adding value; the make-or-buy-decision.
Richard Lynch (2015) Strategic Management; Ch 4Week 6
Topic 5
Models of Strategic Change and Strategic Management Tools
Models of Strategic Change and Strategic Management Tools
Application of models
Workshop: Application of models
Week 7
Topic 6
Implementing and Controlling strategic Plan
Role of Technology and Innovation
The Balanced Score Card (Kaplan and Norton)Communicating the Strategy
Knowledge Creation and Competitive advantage
Richard Lynch (2015) Strategic Management; Ch 13
Richard Lynch (2015) Strategic Management; Ch 7Week 8
Topic 7
Organisational Culture
Cultural influence
OD approach to Strategic Change
Schein – Organisational CultureHofstede – National CultureDeal and Kennedy – Organisational Culture
Influence of culture on strategy Development
Planned change processOpen systems thinkingEntering and contractingDiagnosisInterventionsEvaluation
WorkshopApplication of modelsWorking on assignment preparation
Johnson G, Whittington R, & Scholes K (2012) Fundamentals of Strategy; Ch 4
Cummings T.G & Worley C.G (2015) Organisation Development and Change; Part 1 Ch 2 and Part 2 Chps 4-9.
Workshop: Application of models
Week 9
Topic 8 Managing Strategic Change
Student-led workshop
Week 10
Topic 9
Managing Recipients of Strategic Change and Influencing Internal Stakeholders
Managing Recipients of Strategic Change and Influencing Internal Stakeholders
Application of models
LectureCausey T.F Deszca G & Ingols C (2012) Organisational Change; Ch 7
Workshop: Application of models
Week 11
Topic 10
Navigating Strategic Change through Formal Structures and Systems AND the Informal Organisation
Navigating Strategic Change through Formal Structures and Systems AND the Informal Organisation
Application of models
LectureCausey T.F Deszca G & Ingols C (2012; Ch 5
Workshop: Application of models.
Working on assignment preparation
Discuss First draft of courseworkreportWeek 12
Topic 11
Implementing and Action Planning in Strategic Change
Implementing and Action Planning in Strategic Change
Application of models
LectureCausey T.F Deszca G &Ingols C (2012; Ch 9
Workshop: Application of models
Week 13
Topic 12
Students to submit a reflection report with assignment during this week
Students are expected to submit a reflective report with their coursework at the end of this week
Coursework assignment.
Turnitin submission deadline.
Week 14 Module evaluation and reflection Interactive sessionAssessmentWeek 15 Drop- sessions InteractiveAssessment
BibliographyLynch Richard (2015) Strategic Management; Pearson, UKCawsey T F , Deszca G and Ingols C ( 2012), Organisational Change: An Action Oriented Toolkit; Sage, UKCummings T G, and Worley C G (2015) Organisation Development and Change, Cengage Learning, UKKnights D and Willmott H (2017) (Ed), Introducing Organisational Behaviour and Management; Cengage Learning, UKMartin J and Fellenz M (2017), Organisational Behaviour and Management, CengageJohnson G, Whittington R, & Scholes K (2012) Fundamentals of Strategy; Prentice HallGhemawat Pankaj ( 2010) Strategy and the Business Landscape, Pearson Publishers
2.2 Additional information
This is a Doctor of Business Administration module. Students at this level of university study are expected to be capable of independent
learning. Your module tutors will deliver the weekly lecture schedule and take you through the workshops. You are however expected to be aware
that you are responsible for your learning.Your module Coordinator and your module tutors will deliver quality of service and teaching to you and they will be prepared to assist in case
you run into difficulties. You must however understand that you will not be treated as undergraduates who are just experiencing university
education for the first time in their life. Professional Doctorate is one of the topmost level of academic attainment and requires you to behave
maturely and study diligently with minimum supervision.
In addition to your module delivery booklet, you are given access to the Doctor of Business Administration Programme Handbook where you will
find detailed information relating to problems you are likely to encounter. You are advised to read your Programme Handbook thoroughly and
understandably. Your Handbook is available on your DBA Moodle on the University webpage.
Here are some useful hints:2.2.1 Extenuation: How to apply for extenuating circumstances: NOTE your lecturer or your module coordinator cannot authorise this for you, it
will be a waste of time sending endless emails to them requesting an extenuation. What you need to do is to consult your DBA Programme Handbook
where the details of the procedure for extenuation are explained. Basically you will need to go on to the appropriate university website,
download the appropriate forms, complete the forms and send off to the appropriate university team who will process your form for assessment. It
is however expected of you to inform both your module coordinator and your module tutor what you may have done.
2.2.2 Short extension: this facility is available for a few days extension. Should you need a few extra days to complete your assignment, your
module coordinator is the appropriate personnel to contact. You will make your request to your module coordinator with credible evidence (e.g
Medical) to support your claim. Your Module coordinator will assess your situation and decide whether or not to grant you an extension.Note that extensions without credible evidence will normally carry a penalty of 10% markdeduction from the total mark you may have been awarded
in the module.
2.3 Technical problems relating to enrolment, inclusion on turnitin or other IT problems must be directed to ITDS ( you will find ITDS contact
details in your DBA handbook). They are in the best position to resolve your technical problems. Your module lecturer or module coordinator does
not have the technical expertise to resolve IT problems for you.
2.4 Assignment submission and results: if you have submitted an assignment and you have not received your result whilst your colleagues had
already received theirs, your module coordinator will be able to provide you with information. So contact your module coordinator
2.5 Personal Tutor: if you have a personal academic tutor, he/she will be happy to listen to you if you have personal problems bothering you
which may affect your performance. Personal tutors will be able to direct you to the appropriate university department who can help you.

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