in 500 750 words explain whether the tattoo you chose is an example of fine art or folk art

in 500 750 words explain whether the tattoo you chose is an example of fine art or folk art 

in 500 750 words explain whether the tattoo you chose is an example of fine art or folk art

Your Assignment
In this Discussion, you will select a specific image of a tattoo, then post a 500-750 word analysis explaining whether you think it is an example of Fine Art or Folk Art. You will base your analysis on the concepts from the reading and videos.
This Discussion is worth 100 points. Please read the Grading Rubric before you begin.
Step One – Post an Image
First, you must search online for an example of tattooing, and upload it in your response. Then use this image as the basis for your discussion. If you like, you may share images of your own tattoos. In either case, please only select images that are appropriate within the standards of this institution – NO nudity or anything too graphic, and please post images that are easy to discern. High resolution images are preferred.
Click this link to learn how to imbed an image in a discussion post:
How do I embed an image in a discussion reply as a student? (Links to an external site.)
Step Two: Post in the Class Discussion
In 500-750 words, explain whether the tattoo you chose is an example of fine art or folk art. You must select only one response…not both…and decide whether tattoos are fine art or whether they are folk art. Then cogently justify your choice based on concepts from the reading and videos.
Your answers must be well-written, well-supported, grammatically correct, and free of spelling and punctuation errors. This is a college level assignment!
To help you think about your answer and your responses, consider the following:

What are the main features of the tattoo?
What makes it unique?
What is the level of skill or training required to execute it?
Is there a tradition behind the design?
Is the tattoo a symbol of a group?
What type of statement is being made?

What is the Purpose or Function of the tattoo?

Social or political commentary?
Worship or Ritual?

You are also welcome to do more research about the nature of fine art and folk art, but please cite your sources and do not plagiarize or cut and paste information from the internet!
this video will help you;

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in 500 750 words explain whether the tattoo you chose is an example of fine art or folk art

Your Assignment
In this Discussion, you will select a specific image of a tattoo, then post a 500-750 word analysis explaining whether you think it is an example of Fine Art or Folk Art. You will base your analysis on the concepts from the reading and videos.
This Discussion is worth 100 points. Please read the Grading Rubric before you begin.
Step One – Post an Image
First, you must search online for an example of tattooing, and upload it in your response. Then use this image as the basis for your discussion. If you like, you may share images of your own tattoos. In either case, please only select images that are appropriate within the standards of this institution – NO nudity or anything too graphic, and please post images that are easy to discern. High resolution images are preferred.
Click this link to learn how to imbed an image in a discussion post:
How do I embed an image in a discussion reply as a student? (Links to an external site.)
Step Two: Post in the Class Discussion
In 500-750 words, explain whether the tattoo you chose is an example of fine art or folk art. You must select only one response…not both…and decide whether tattoos are fine art or whether they are folk art. Then cogently justify your choice based on concepts from the reading and videos.
Your answers must be well-written, well-supported, grammatically correct, and free of spelling and punctuation errors. This is a college level assignment!
To help you think about your answer and your responses, consider the following:

What are the main features of the tattoo?
What makes it unique?
What is the level of skill or training required to execute it?
Is there a tradition behind the design?
Is the tattoo a symbol of a group?
What type of statement is being made?

What is the Purpose or Function of the tattoo?

Social or political commentary?
Worship or Ritual?

You are also welcome to do more research about the nature of fine art and folk art, but please cite your sources and do not plagiarize or cut and paste information from the internet!
this video will help you;

Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you. We assure you an A+ quality paper that is free from plagiarism. Order now for an Amazing Discount!Use Discount Code “Newclient” for a 15% Discount!NB: We do not resell papers. Upon ordering, we do an original paper exclusively for you.

in 500 750 words explain whether the tattoo you chose is an example of fine art or folk art

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