Latin ii ca – unit exam
Latin ii ca – unit exam
1. Choose the correct missing participles to complete the sequence:
parentes, _______________, _______________
paritas, parituras
parites, partiures
partas, parturas
partitas, parituras
none of these
2. Choose the correct missing participles to complete the sequence:
_______________, iussas, _______________
iubentas, iuturas
iubentas, iusturas
iubentes, iussuras
iubentes, iuturas
none of these
3. _______________, ______________, vendituras
vendentes, vendites
vendentas, vendites
vendentae, venditas
vendentas, venditae
none of these
4. ___________, praefectas, ____________
praeficias, praefecturas
praeficientes, praefecturas
praeficientas, praefecturas
praeficientes, praefectrures
none of these
5. ____________, __________, occupaturas
occupantas, occupatas
occupantas, occupates
occupantes, occupatas
occuparentes, occupates
none of these
6. Match the verb form to its English translation:
– capere – cepisse – captas esse – captos – capi – capturas esse – capienti – capturi
A. to have been taken B. to take C. to be intending (about/going) to take D. to be taken E. having been taken F. to have taken G. intending (about/going) to take H. taking
7. Match the verb form to its English translation:
– sentire – sensus – sentiri – sensisse – sensus esse – sensurus – sentiens – sensurus esse
A. to have been felt B. to realize C. to be felt D. to be going to realize E. to have realized F. felt G. feeling H. intending to feel
8. Choose the correct translation of the Latin sentence.
Di immortales, vobis gratias agimus quod nobis semper favetis.
O immortal day, we have your gratitude which always favors us.
On the immortal days, we thanked you because you do not always favor us.
O immortal gods, we give thanks to you because you favor us always.
O immortal gods, because we have thanked you, you do not often favor us.
9. Choose the correct translation of the Latin sentence.
Sentisne partes senatoris imperium occupaturas esse?
Aren’t part of the senator’s feelings going to occupy power?
Do you feel that the senator’s political party will seize power?
Does the political part of the senator feel that power will be seized?
Do you senator realize that part of the power is going to be seized?
10. Choose the correct translation of the Latin sentence.
Nubibus caelum super sepulcrum tegentibus, cura uxoris de funere auxit.
The clouds were being covered by the sky above the tomb and the wife grew concerned about the funeral.
Above the cloud the sky covered the tomb, the concern of the wife augmented the funeral.
The clouds having covered the sky above the tomb so the concerned wife augmented a funeral.
When clouds covered the sky above the tomb, the wife’s anxiety about the funeral grew.
11. Choose the correct translation of the English sentence.
An unlucky sign having been seen in the sky, the enemy turned from the shore.
Infelicem signum visum est in caelo, hostis vertit a litore.
Infelice signo in caelo viso, hostis a litore vertit.
Infelix signum visum in caelo, hostes verterunt a litoribus.
Infelice signo in caelo vidente, hostis a litore vertit.
12. Choose the correct translation of the English sentence.
Did anyone feel the madness of the senator would destroy the political party?
Sensitne quisquam furor senatoris perdet partem?
Quisquamne sensit furorem senatoris partes perditurum esse?
Quisquam sentit furorem senatoris partem perditum esse?
Quisquamne sensit furor senatoris perditurus esse?
13. Octavian and Agrippa defeated Antony and Cleopatra at
14. Octavian re-established
15. Augustus means
revered one
16. Augustus built a temple to Mars Ultor in his forum. Ultor means
revered one
17. Augustus chose the name Mars Ultor for his temple because:
he felt he had avenged his father
he regretted the death of Antony
he felt proud of his victory over Cleopatra
18. Augustus’ political policies stressed
military expansion
family values
19. Augustus was NOT responsible for creating
tribune of the plebs
Praetorian guard
20. Augustus liked to refer to himself as
dictator perpetuus
primus inter pares
mos maiorum
21. Augustus was NOT responsible for the construction of
Theater of Marcellus
Ara Pacis
22. This author received the support of Maecenas
23. Augustus died
in battle
by assassins
peacefully at an old age
24. Translate this short passage.
Meo tertio decimo consulatu, senatus populusque Romanus legerunt vocare me patrem patriae. Hoc nomine in meo templo scripto, senserunt honores debere scriptos esse quoque in curia Iulia et in foro Augusto sub curru qui eo mihi positus erat. Meo septuagesimo sexto anno, scripsi.
1. Choose the correct missing participles to complete the sequence:
parentes, _______________, _______________
paritas, parituras
parites, partiures
partas, parturas
partitas, parituras
none of these
2. Choose the correct missing participles to complete the sequence:
_______________, iussas, _______________
iubentas, iuturas
iubentas, iusturas
iubentes, iussuras
iubentes, iuturas
none of these
3. _______________, ______________, vendituras
vendentes, vendites
vendentas, vendites
vendentae, venditas
vendentas, venditae
none of these
4. ___________, praefectas, ____________
praeficias, praefecturas
praeficientes, praefecturas
praeficientas, praefecturas
praeficientes, praefectrures
none of these
5. ____________, __________, occupaturas
occupantas, occupatas
occupantas, occupates
occupantes, occupatas
occuparentes, occupates
none of these
6. Match the verb form to its English translation:
– capere – cepisse – captas esse – captos – capi – capturas esse – capienti – capturi
A. to have been taken B. to take C. to be intending (about/going) to take D. to be taken E. having been taken F. to have taken G. intending (about/going) to take H. taking
7. Match the verb form to its English translation:
– sentire – sensus – sentiri – sensisse – sensus esse – sensurus – sentiens – sensurus esse
A. to have been felt B. to realize C. to be felt D. to be going to realize E. to have realized F. felt G. feeling H. intending to feel
8. Choose the correct translation of the Latin sentence.
Di immortales, vobis gratias agimus quod nobis semper favetis.
O immortal day, we have your gratitude which always favors us.
On the immortal days, we thanked you because you do not always favor us.
O immortal gods, we give thanks to you because you favor us always.
O immortal gods, because we have thanked you, you do not often favor us.
9. Choose the correct translation of the Latin sentence.
Sentisne partes senatoris imperium occupaturas esse?
Aren’t part of the senator’s feelings going to occupy power?
Do you feel that the senator’s political party will seize power?
Does the political part of the senator feel that power will be seized?
Do you senator realize that part of the power is going to be seized?
10. Choose the correct translation of the Latin sentence.
Nubibus caelum super sepulcrum tegentibus, cura uxoris de funere auxit.
The clouds were being covered by the sky above the tomb and the wife grew concerned about the funeral.
Above the cloud the sky covered the tomb, the concern of the wife augmented the funeral.
The clouds having covered the sky above the tomb so the concerned wife augmented a funeral.
When clouds covered the sky above the tomb, the wife’s anxiety about the funeral grew.
11. Choose the correct translation of the English sentence.
An unlucky sign having been seen in the sky, the enemy turned from the shore.
Infelicem signum visum est in caelo, hostis vertit a litore.
Infelice signo in caelo viso, hostis a litore vertit.
Infelix signum visum in caelo, hostes verterunt a litoribus.
Infelice signo in caelo vidente, hostis a litore vertit.
12. Choose the correct translation of the English sentence.
Did anyone feel the madness of the senator would destroy the political party?
Sensitne quisquam furor senatoris perdet partem?
Quisquamne sensit furorem senatoris partes perditurum esse?
Quisquam sentit furorem senatoris partem perditum esse?
Quisquamne sensit furor senatoris perditurus esse?
13. Octavian and Agrippa defeated Antony and Cleopatra at
14. Octavian re-established
15. Augustus means
revered one
16. Augustus built a temple to Mars Ultor in his forum. Ultor means
revered one
17. Augustus chose the name Mars Ultor for his temple because:
he felt he had avenged his father
he regretted the death of Antony
he felt proud of his victory over Cleopatra
18. Augustus’ political policies stressed
military expansion
family values
19. Augustus was NOT responsible for creating
tribune of the plebs
Praetorian guard
20. Augustus liked to refer to himself as
dictator perpetuus
primus inter pares
mos maiorum
21. Augustus was NOT responsible for the construction of
Theater of Marcellus
Ara Pacis
22. This author received the support of Maecenas
23. Augustus died
in battle
by assassins
peacefully at an old age
24. Translate this short passage.
Meo tertio decimo consulatu, senatus populusque Romanus legerunt vocare me patrem patriae. Hoc nomine in meo templo scripto, senserunt honores debere scriptos esse quoque in curia Iulia et in foro Augusto sub curru qui eo mihi positus erat. Meo septuagesimo sexto anno, scripsi.