Module 05 course project – drawing conclusions and making

Module 05 course project – drawing conclusions and making

Module 05 course project – drawing conclusions and making

You’ve gathered secondary research and conducted observational research. You have also determined the pros and cons of an online survey and completed the steps involved in setting one up. It is time to present findings, draw conclusions, and make recommendations.

Very Fresh Food Delivery is a new firm specializing in shipping organic foods. The firm offers three meal plans, and orders can be placed online with shipment guaranteed within 2-3 days. Very Fresh is conducting its first online survey to obtain information about consumer preference for its meal plans and overall satisfaction with Very Fresh. The firm received 983 completed surveys. Download a partial list of questions with responses in percent below in :

To complete this assignment, do the following in a minimum of 10 PowerPoint slides (excluding cover slide):

  1. Include the background information on the project.
  2. Provide a minimum of 4 findings from the online survey.
  3. Use 2 charts and 1 graph to reflect your findings.
  4. Draw at least three conclusions from the research.
  5. Provide at least two recommendations to Very Fresh.

Module 05 course project – drawing conclusions and making

You’ve gathered secondary research and conducted observational research. You have also determined the pros and cons of an online survey and completed the steps involved in setting one up. It is time to present findings, draw conclusions, and make recommendations.

Very Fresh Food Delivery is a new firm specializing in shipping organic foods. The firm offers three meal plans, and orders can be placed online with shipment guaranteed within 2-3 days. Very Fresh is conducting its first online survey to obtain information about consumer preference for its meal plans and overall satisfaction with Very Fresh. The firm received 983 completed surveys. Download a partial list of questions with responses in percent below in :

To complete this assignment, do the following in a minimum of 10 PowerPoint slides (excluding cover slide):

  1. Include the background information on the project.
  2. Provide a minimum of 4 findings from the online survey.
  3. Use 2 charts and 1 graph to reflect your findings.
  4. Draw at least three conclusions from the research.
  5. Provide at least two recommendations to Very Fresh.

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