Natural Disasters/Environmental Project Paper Homework Help

Natural Disasters/Environmental Project Paper Homework Help

Natural Disasters/Environmental Project Paper Homework Help

1- This is a project. the project has 3 to 4 steps. on October 15, I need the information that you will use them in the project ( first draft) than the pro will give us the feedback then I will send it back to you to make the changes and show it to the pro on October 27. On Nov 9 we will upload the risk register. the final draft due is Nov 22. This project needs A LOT of sources. the sources have to be perfect and NOT from magazines or newspaper. the sources have to be from peer review articles, books or something official (e.g: The world bank ).  you can NOT copy and past the information, you have to use your own words. The project Depends on facts, NOT on opinion. This is a group project and I have two parts which are, (natural disasters/environmental) 6 pages and (Political) 6 pages in New Zealand. 
The Sources ( APA style)
please check the four files above. I have included the requirement and example from the previous year.
2- Two different journals for two people. 2 pages each. 
Research and find one peer-reviewed journal article related to business risk management in New Zealand (as per your group selection). Attach it to your journal.
Answer in detail the following questions:
1. Who are the authors ( All the Information about the authors. e.g: his job and his Certificates )
2. What type of research is the article presenting (basic or evaluative/applied). Explain how did you determine it.
3. What is the research question/problem
4. Summarize the findings
5. What are the limitation of this study and how would you apply it to your project?

Natural Disasters/Environmental Project Paper Homework Help

1- This is a project. the project has 3 to 4 steps. on October 15, I need the information that you will use them in the project ( first draft) than the pro will give us the feedback then I will send it back to you to make the changes and show it to the pro on October 27. On Nov 9 we will upload the risk register. the final draft due is Nov 22. This project needs A LOT of sources. the sources have to be perfect and NOT from magazines or newspaper. the sources have to be from peer review articles, books or something official (e.g: The world bank ).  you can NOT copy and past the information, you have to use your own words. The project Depends on facts, NOT on opinion. This is a group project and I have two parts which are, (natural disasters/environmental) 6 pages and (Political) 6 pages in New Zealand. 
The Sources ( APA style)
please check the four files above. I have included the requirement and example from the previous year.
2- Two different journals for two people. 2 pages each. 
Research and find one peer-reviewed journal article related to business risk management in New Zealand (as per your group selection). Attach it to your journal.
Answer in detail the following questions:
1. Who are the authors ( All the Information about the authors. e.g: his job and his Certificates )
2. What type of research is the article presenting (basic or evaluative/applied). Explain how did you determine it.
3. What is the research question/problem
4. Summarize the findings
5. What are the limitation of this study and how would you apply it to your project?

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