Nr 534 week ba | Nursing homework help
Nr 534 week ba | Nursing homework help
I. Purpose
The purpose of this experiential learning activity is to apply nursing leadership knowledge and skills to plan for organizational change with system-wide impact. (CO 2, 3, 5)
III. Requirements
Description of the Assignment
This assignment provides the opportunity for the student to:
- Create an evidence-based plan for system-wide change guided by a selected organizational change model
- Engage in high-level decision-making processes common in the nurse executive role
- Use reflective practice knowledge and skills in making high level decision making and change management
IV. Preparing the Assignment
- Address all components of the Advanced Communication in Systems Leadership paper as outlined under “Assignment Directions and Criteria”.
- The paper is graded on quality and completeness of information, depth of thought, organization following outline provided, substantive narrative, use of citations, use of Standard English, and writing conventions.
- Format:
- American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (current ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Is the source used for this paper
- Required elements
- Title page, reference page
- Use Microsoft Word
- Page numbers, running head, doubles-spaced, times new roman, 12pt font, 1″ margins, level 1 headings
- Paper length: 7 maximum, excluding reference page and title page
- Required elements
- Scholarly sources
- Minimum of four (4) scholarly resources no older than 5 years (See: What is a Scholarly Source under APA resources)
- Proof-reading
- Use spell check and grammar check and correct all errors
- Compare final draft to detailed outline directions to ensure all required elements included
- Submitting the paper
- American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (current ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Is the source used for this paper
You will use the following headings for your paper:
- Approach to the organizational mandate
- Purpose of the paper
- Overview of the tasks, potential challenges, and implications of a reduction in workforce
- Part II: Reduction in Workforce-Deciding
- Using Human Resources (HR) metrics Table 1
- Approach, choices, rationale
- Challenges presented (including role of ethics)
- Using HR metrics with Relative Information Table 2
- Approach, choices, rational
- Challenges presented
- Conflicts raised
- Negotiation used
- Using Human Resources (HR) metrics Table 1
- Part III: Reduction in Workforce-Planning the Change
- Overview of reorganization plan including timeline
- Plan for change and application of Kotter’s or Rogers’ change model
- Anticipated conflict (three areas) and the benefits of using a change model
- Healthy work environment
- Describe department and system-wide implications, impact, and conflict
- Strategies for addressing morale and motivation of remaining workforce
- Summary/Conclusions
- Restatement of purpose
- Overview of tasks
- What was learned
Nr 534 week ba | Nursing homework help
I. Purpose
The purpose of this experiential learning activity is to apply nursing leadership knowledge and skills to plan for organizational change with system-wide impact. (CO 2, 3, 5)
III. Requirements
Description of the Assignment
This assignment provides the opportunity for the student to:
- Create an evidence-based plan for system-wide change guided by a selected organizational change model
- Engage in high-level decision-making processes common in the nurse executive role
- Use reflective practice knowledge and skills in making high level decision making and change management
IV. Preparing the Assignment
- Address all components of the Advanced Communication in Systems Leadership paper as outlined under “Assignment Directions and Criteria”.
- The paper is graded on quality and completeness of information, depth of thought, organization following outline provided, substantive narrative, use of citations, use of Standard English, and writing conventions.
- Format:
- American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (current ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Is the source used for this paper
- Required elements
- Title page, reference page
- Use Microsoft Word
- Page numbers, running head, doubles-spaced, times new roman, 12pt font, 1″ margins, level 1 headings
- Paper length: 7 maximum, excluding reference page and title page
- Required elements
- Scholarly sources
- Minimum of four (4) scholarly resources no older than 5 years (See: What is a Scholarly Source under APA resources)
- Proof-reading
- Use spell check and grammar check and correct all errors
- Compare final draft to detailed outline directions to ensure all required elements included
- Submitting the paper
- American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (current ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Is the source used for this paper
You will use the following headings for your paper:
- Approach to the organizational mandate
- Purpose of the paper
- Overview of the tasks, potential challenges, and implications of a reduction in workforce
- Part II: Reduction in Workforce-Deciding
- Using Human Resources (HR) metrics Table 1
- Approach, choices, rationale
- Challenges presented (including role of ethics)
- Using HR metrics with Relative Information Table 2
- Approach, choices, rational
- Challenges presented
- Conflicts raised
- Negotiation used
- Using Human Resources (HR) metrics Table 1
- Part III: Reduction in Workforce-Planning the Change
- Overview of reorganization plan including timeline
- Plan for change and application of Kotter’s or Rogers’ change model
- Anticipated conflict (three areas) and the benefits of using a change model
- Healthy work environment
- Describe department and system-wide implications, impact, and conflict
- Strategies for addressing morale and motivation of remaining workforce
- Summary/Conclusions
- Restatement of purpose
- Overview of tasks
- What was learned