Omm 640 week 4 discussion 1
Omm 640 week 4 discussion 1
Read the An improved measure of ethical leadership article by Yukl, Mahsud, Hassan, & Prussia (2013), as well as Chapter 7 of Gonzalez-Padron (2015). Complete the Checklist: Ethical Leadership Questionnaire, then answer these following questions from the text:
- Describe the behaviors that are most important for you to feel trust in the ethical leadership of a supervisor, manager, or company executive?
- Describe any descriptors in the list that are difficult to observe?
- Analyze how ethical leadership can be measured in an organization?
- Evaluate how personal experience with a leader (e.g., work assignments, disciplinary actions) skew your assessment of his or her ethical leadership? Cite an example based on personal experience.
Your response must be a mimimum of 300 words.
Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies early during the week to promote more meaningful interactive discourse in the discussion. For your response, put yourself in to position of an organizational leader, using the list of behaviors described by your classmate, explain how leadership can emulate these behaviors.
Yours responses must be a minimum of 150 words.
Read the An improved measure of ethical leadership article by Yukl, Mahsud, Hassan, & Prussia (2013), as well as Chapter 7 of Gonzalez-Padron (2015). Complete the Checklist: Ethical Leadership Questionnaire, then answer these following questions from the text:
- Describe the behaviors that are most important for you to feel trust in the ethical leadership of a supervisor, manager, or company executive?
- Describe any descriptors in the list that are difficult to observe?
- Analyze how ethical leadership can be measured in an organization?
- Evaluate how personal experience with a leader (e.g., work assignments, disciplinary actions) skew your assessment of his or her ethical leadership? Cite an example based on personal experience.
Your response must be a mimimum of 300 words.
Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies early during the week to promote more meaningful interactive discourse in the discussion. For your response, put yourself in to position of an organizational leader, using the list of behaviors described by your classmate, explain how leadership can emulate these behaviors.
Yours responses must be a minimum of 150 words.