Organizational Security Policies Homework Help

Organizational Security Policies Homework Help 

Organizational Security Policies Homework Help

 BYOD, Portable, and Mobile Devices organizational security policies.
The contemporary organizations have allowed their employees to carry and use their
devices to work. This use of devices has had a negative and positive impact on the organizations
concerned. Security issues are one of the demerits that come as a result of using these devices.
Therefore, security polices are required to give direction on the use of the devices.
The employee devices need strong policies that govern their use to ensure that they do not
lead to any security issues. Thus, some consideration needs to be made. First, the organization
needs to consider the security and privacy issues that might come with the use of the devices and
plan on how they will ensure that they will not lead to privacy issues (Fennelly, 2012). Second,
the organization should put in place policies regarding the management standard to monitor how
each device is used within the premises. Third, there should be working policies regarding the
safety of data on those devices. The fourth and last consideration is communication policies
regarding their use.
The policy development might an easy task but the enforce might face some challenges
which can render them ineffective. Workforce policy rejection is one of the issues that
might affect the implementation of the policies. Secondly, the organization might lack the
necessary resources and expertise to implement the policies. The third challenge is the
communication issues that the concerned individual in the organization with the implementation
of the policies might face due to changing requirements of the policies (Fennelly, 2012). The last
challenges involve management and access of the information privileged to every device; their
use might be a target to the criminals to access the organization data. 

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Organizational Security Policies Homework Help

 BYOD, Portable, and Mobile Devices organizational security policies.
The contemporary organizations have allowed their employees to carry and use their
devices to work. This use of devices has had a negative and positive impact on the organizations
concerned. Security issues are one of the demerits that come as a result of using these devices.
Therefore, security polices are required to give direction on the use of the devices.
The employee devices need strong policies that govern their use to ensure that they do not
lead to any security issues. Thus, some consideration needs to be made. First, the organization
needs to consider the security and privacy issues that might come with the use of the devices and
plan on how they will ensure that they will not lead to privacy issues (Fennelly, 2012). Second,
the organization should put in place policies regarding the management standard to monitor how
each device is used within the premises. Third, there should be working policies regarding the
safety of data on those devices. The fourth and last consideration is communication policies
regarding their use.
The policy development might an easy task but the enforce might face some challenges
which can render them ineffective. Workforce policy rejection is one of the issues that
might affect the implementation of the policies. Secondly, the organization might lack the
necessary resources and expertise to implement the policies. The third challenge is the
communication issues that the concerned individual in the organization with the implementation
of the policies might face due to changing requirements of the policies (Fennelly, 2012). The last
challenges involve management and access of the information privileged to every device; their
use might be a target to the criminals to access the organization data. 

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Organizational Security Policies Homework Help

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