play transitions and disruptions rubric for kids

play transitions and disruptions rubric for kids 

play transitions and disruptions rubric for kids

For this assignment, you will be creating a rubric that you will use to evaluate your staff based on how they are incorporating play into their classroom and how they handle transitions. Before creating your rubric, it is suggested that you read the article, “How to Create Rubrics” to ensure that you understand how to develop an effective rubric. You can create your rubric using a table in a Word document or by using the rubric generator Rubi Star (Links to an external site.). Your rubric must contain the following:

Performance Level Titles (.5 points): Includes four performance levels titles (emerging, progressing, partial mastery, mastery, etc.) to describe each characteristic.
Characteristics (.5 points): Includes at least five characteristics (skills, knowledge, or behaviors) to be rated on the rubric. Three of these characteristics must be related to play one must be related to transitions, and one must be related to disruptions.
Performance Level Descriptors (2 points): Creates a performance level descriptor for each characteristic.

In addition to creating your rubric, address the following:

Defend your decision to include the characteristics you did on your rubric. Support your defense with current research. (1 point)
Explain how using this rubric will encourage the 21st-century skill of collaboration. Support your explanation with scholarly or credible sources. (1 point)
Summarize how you would use this rubric to foster the knowledge and skills of your staff regarding play in the classroom, transitions, and disruptions. Support your summary with scholarly or credible sources. (1 point)
Explain how you might utilize this rubric to encourage self-reflection in your staff and ways in which self-reflection foster’s professional growth. Support your explanation with scholarly or credible sources. (1 point)

Research and Resource Expectations:

Source Requirement (.75 points):

At least two scholarly peer-reviewed sources
At least one professional credible source

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play transitions and disruptions rubric for kids

For this assignment, you will be creating a rubric that you will use to evaluate your staff based on how they are incorporating play into their classroom and how they handle transitions. Before creating your rubric, it is suggested that you read the article, “How to Create Rubrics” to ensure that you understand how to develop an effective rubric. You can create your rubric using a table in a Word document or by using the rubric generator Rubi Star (Links to an external site.). Your rubric must contain the following:

Performance Level Titles (.5 points): Includes four performance levels titles (emerging, progressing, partial mastery, mastery, etc.) to describe each characteristic.
Characteristics (.5 points): Includes at least five characteristics (skills, knowledge, or behaviors) to be rated on the rubric. Three of these characteristics must be related to play one must be related to transitions, and one must be related to disruptions.
Performance Level Descriptors (2 points): Creates a performance level descriptor for each characteristic.

In addition to creating your rubric, address the following:

Defend your decision to include the characteristics you did on your rubric. Support your defense with current research. (1 point)
Explain how using this rubric will encourage the 21st-century skill of collaboration. Support your explanation with scholarly or credible sources. (1 point)
Summarize how you would use this rubric to foster the knowledge and skills of your staff regarding play in the classroom, transitions, and disruptions. Support your summary with scholarly or credible sources. (1 point)
Explain how you might utilize this rubric to encourage self-reflection in your staff and ways in which self-reflection foster’s professional growth. Support your explanation with scholarly or credible sources. (1 point)

Research and Resource Expectations:

Source Requirement (.75 points):

At least two scholarly peer-reviewed sources
At least one professional credible source

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play transitions and disruptions rubric for kids

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