


As part of your preparation for next class, please do the following:

Find 10 images on the internet that represent each of the personality

disorders listed below. This exercise is to help your understanding of

the disorder. There is no rubric for this assignment (All you need is 12

PPT slides (1 cover page with name, 10 slide images of the personality

disorder (descriptions not required) and reference page). This is a

participation grade; the personality types are listed below and I also

have a talking paper on Moodle Week 7 for more detail!


Personality disorders are divided into three groups, called clusters.

Cluster A – generally described as odd or eccentric

Cluster B – generally described as dramatic, emotional, or erratic

Cluster C – generally described as anxious or fearful


Cluster A

(Odd or eccentric traits)

Paranoid personality

Schizoid personality

Schizotypal personality


Cluster B

(Dramatic, emotional, or erratic traits)

Antisocial personality

Borderline personality

Histrionic personality

Narcissistic personality


Cluster C

(Anxious or fearful traits; insecurity and inadequacy)

Avoidant personality

Dependent personality

Obsessive-compulsive personality


As part of your preparation for next class, please do the following:

Find 10 images on the internet that represent each of the personality

disorders listed below. This exercise is to help your understanding of

the disorder. There is no rubric for this assignment (All you need is 12

PPT slides (1 cover page with name, 10 slide images of the personality

disorder (descriptions not required) and reference page). This is a

participation grade; the personality types are listed below and I also

have a talking paper on Moodle Week 7 for more detail!


Personality disorders are divided into three groups, called clusters.

Cluster A – generally described as odd or eccentric

Cluster B – generally described as dramatic, emotional, or erratic

Cluster C – generally described as anxious or fearful


Cluster A

(Odd or eccentric traits)

Paranoid personality

Schizoid personality

Schizotypal personality


Cluster B

(Dramatic, emotional, or erratic traits)

Antisocial personality

Borderline personality

Histrionic personality

Narcissistic personality


Cluster C

(Anxious or fearful traits; insecurity and inadequacy)

Avoidant personality

Dependent personality

Obsessive-compulsive personality

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