RES/724 Wk 6 – Applied Practice: Observation

RES/724 Wk 6 – Applied Practice: Observation 

RES/724 Wk 6 – Applied Practice: Observation

Note: You do not need IRB approval for a class activity.

Conduct two, 60-minute observations of the actions, events, interactions, or relevant factors related to the central phenomenon in your mock study.

Document your observations using the Observation Guide.

Submit your assignment.

RES/724 Wk 6 – Applied Practice: Observation

Note: You do not need IRB approval for a class activity.

Conduct two, 60-minute observations of the actions, events, interactions, or relevant factors related to the central phenomenon in your mock study.

Document your observations using the Observation Guide.

Submit your assignment.

RES/724 Wk 6 – Applied Practice: Observation

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