Social work policy analysis paper

Social work policy analysis paper

Social work policy analysis paper


· In Section I (approximately 6-8 pages, double-spaced using APA Standards) you should complete a PROBLEM DEFINITION, AND CAUSAL, ETHICAL, ideological, and gainers/losers analysis regarding the problem and its potential solution(s). The problem and its consequences should be analyzed across the individual, family, community and societal levels. Section I is worth 15 points. The following topics must be thoroughly covered:

· Problem definition:  Define the problem or issue and quantify its magnitude and scope. Describe the target population (age, gender, race, location, etc.) subgroups more likely to experience the problem or issue.

  • Causal       Analysis: Specify multiple factors that cause the problem       and specific, multiple consequences of the problem, on the individual, familial,       community and systemic levels.
  • Ideological       analysis:  Specify varying ideological viewpoints discussed in SW 302 of different stakeholder       groups related to the problem definition (e.g. liberal, conservative),       and how these points of view would impact approaches taken to address the       problem using position papers from ideologically affiliated organizations       such as think tanks to support your answer; and, 
  • Gainers and       losers analysis: Specify       what stakeholders and target populations tend to gain or lose       financially, politically, etc. if problem or issue is addressed and if it       is left insufficiently addressed

· These are the headings for Section 1. Follow these to be sure you have addressed each element of the paper.

· •Problem definition 

· –Scope and magnitude 

· •Target population 

· –gender 

· –Race 

· –subgroups 

· •Causal analysis 

· –Cause 

· –Consequences  on individuals, families, society 

· •Ideological analysis 

· –Liberal/conservative 


· •Gainers and losers 

· –Financial 

· –political

Social work policy analysis paper


· In Section I (approximately 6-8 pages, double-spaced using APA Standards) you should complete a PROBLEM DEFINITION, AND CAUSAL, ETHICAL, ideological, and gainers/losers analysis regarding the problem and its potential solution(s). The problem and its consequences should be analyzed across the individual, family, community and societal levels. Section I is worth 15 points. The following topics must be thoroughly covered:

· Problem definition:  Define the problem or issue and quantify its magnitude and scope. Describe the target population (age, gender, race, location, etc.) subgroups more likely to experience the problem or issue.

  • Causal       Analysis: Specify multiple factors that cause the problem       and specific, multiple consequences of the problem, on the individual, familial,       community and systemic levels.
  • Ideological       analysis:  Specify varying ideological viewpoints discussed in SW 302 of different stakeholder       groups related to the problem definition (e.g. liberal, conservative),       and how these points of view would impact approaches taken to address the       problem using position papers from ideologically affiliated organizations       such as think tanks to support your answer; and, 
  • Gainers and       losers analysis: Specify       what stakeholders and target populations tend to gain or lose       financially, politically, etc. if problem or issue is addressed and if it       is left insufficiently addressed

· These are the headings for Section 1. Follow these to be sure you have addressed each element of the paper.

· •Problem definition 

· –Scope and magnitude 

· •Target population 

· –gender 

· –Race 

· –subgroups 

· •Causal analysis 

· –Cause 

· –Consequences  on individuals, families, society 

· •Ideological analysis 

· –Liberal/conservative 


· •Gainers and losers 

· –Financial 

· –political

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