The Separate Black Economy Resulting from Segregation Table

The Separate Black Economy Resulting from Segregation Table

The Separate Black Economy Resulting from Segregation Table

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Du Bois exercised a strong editorial hand in accepting ads for the magazine. What Can Magazine Advertisements Tell Us? Because the whole purpose of advertising is to appeal to the needs and values of its audience, advertisements help historians determine what a group of people cares about and hopes to become. Using advertisements from a narrowly targeted publication such as The Crisis has some very particular advantages. We know that these ads were created by and for a black readership that aligned with Du Bois’s vision of racial equality. We also know that the attitudes conveyed in the advertising were consistent with the political position of The Crisis because correspondence and records from the NAACP show that The magazine certainly ran no ads for Cream of Wheat cereal or Aunt Jemima pancake mix, both produced by white-

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The Separate Black Economy Resulting from Segregation Table

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Du Bois exercised a strong editorial hand in accepting ads for the magazine. What Can Magazine Advertisements Tell Us? Because the whole purpose of advertising is to appeal to the needs and values of its audience, advertisements help historians determine what a group of people cares about and hopes to become. Using advertisements from a narrowly targeted publication such as The Crisis has some very particular advantages. We know that these ads were created by and for a black readership that aligned with Du Bois’s vision of racial equality. We also know that the attitudes conveyed in the advertising were consistent with the political position of The Crisis because correspondence and records from the NAACP show that The magazine certainly ran no ads for Cream of Wheat cereal or Aunt Jemima pancake mix, both produced by white-

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