Access technologies and specify which are home access, enterprise

Access technologies and specify which are home access, enterprise

Access technologies and specify which are home access, enterprise

1-Need 500 words per question

2-No copy and paste

3- Harvard referencing should be used .



Question one:


56K Dial-Up Modem

If you used the Internet during the 1990s, you may remember this nostalgic buzz. Fortunately, as the technology surrounding networks have advanced, so has the capacity to access networks as well as data speed.

In this activity, you will list five access technologies and specify which are home access, enterprise access or wide-area wireless access. List five access technologies and specify which are home access, enterprise access or wide-area wireless access. Discuss one of the five in detail. Topics may include but are not limited to: performance speed, technical specs, cost and history of the device.

Question two :

For this discussion, find five companies that provide P2P file-sharing services. For each company, share what kind of files and content they deliver. List five companies that provide P2P file-sharing services. Identify what types of files P2P file-sharing services can deliver, and if there are different approaches for different file types.

Access technologies and specify which are home access, enterprise

1-Need 500 words per question

2-No copy and paste

3- Harvard referencing should be used .



Question one:


56K Dial-Up Modem

If you used the Internet during the 1990s, you may remember this nostalgic buzz. Fortunately, as the technology surrounding networks have advanced, so has the capacity to access networks as well as data speed.

In this activity, you will list five access technologies and specify which are home access, enterprise access or wide-area wireless access. List five access technologies and specify which are home access, enterprise access or wide-area wireless access. Discuss one of the five in detail. Topics may include but are not limited to: performance speed, technical specs, cost and history of the device.

Question two :

For this discussion, find five companies that provide P2P file-sharing services. For each company, share what kind of files and content they deliver. List five companies that provide P2P file-sharing services. Identify what types of files P2P file-sharing services can deliver, and if there are different approaches for different file types.

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