Chinese Culture Taoist State of Mind Questions
Chinese Culture Taoist State of Mind Questions
This week we continue journaling but each day we will attempt consider things from a Taoist perspective.
You should have at least five dated entries that execute the assignments described below.
Day 1: Explain what you think is meant by Tao in at least 50 words.
Day 2: Write a haiku poem that discusses or illustrates a Taoist theme. (In a haiku, there are 17 syllables total. The first line has 5 syllables, the second has 7, the third line has 5).
Day 3: Make a drawing or a watercolor painting in a Taoist state of mind or that reflects a Taoist theme. (Include a picture of this with your document. You should be able to take a picture of it, copy it, and paste it in your document).
Day 4: Explain the following quotation in at least 50 words:
“The further one goes
The less one knows.
Therefore the sage knows without having to stir,
Identifies without having to see,
Accomplishes without having to act.”
Day 5: Write a very brief dialogue (50-100 words) between Socrates and Lao Tzu. The conversation is about how much human beings can know and how they should act with regard to that.1 attachmentsSlide 1 of 1
Journal Rubric Following Directions Inadequate The directions have not been followed at all. The assignment is missing the point altogether. 5 Points Exceptional All of the directions are followed exactly as written. 10 Points Fair Directions are followed for the most part but at least one aspect is missing. It may be that the class material is not related to life or that the class material is not considered. Word counts may not be met. The number of entries may not be satisfied 8 Points Engaging with Passage Inadequate The entries do not relate to the passage to be used for the assignment at all. The entries discusses something altogether unrelated to the passage for analysis. 5 Points Fair It is difficult to recognize how all of the entries relate to the passage used for analysis. They may but just barely- 8 Points Exceptional The passage is clearly engaged with and clearly relates to all of the entries. 10 Points Relating to Life Inadequate There appears to be no real attempt to relate the entries to the author’s life. The passage may be discussed but there is not an attempt to relate to it in a personal way. 5 Points Fair Exceptional There is some relation to one’s life in the entries. They There are clear instances where the passage has been are not only analyses of the passage but there is a bit of absorbed and related to one’s own life in the entries. self-reflection 10 Points 8 Points
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Chinese Culture Taoist State of Mind Questions
This week we continue journaling but each day we will attempt consider things from a Taoist perspective.
You should have at least five dated entries that execute the assignments described below.
Day 1: Explain what you think is meant by Tao in at least 50 words.
Day 2: Write a haiku poem that discusses or illustrates a Taoist theme. (In a haiku, there are 17 syllables total. The first line has 5 syllables, the second has 7, the third line has 5).
Day 3: Make a drawing or a watercolor painting in a Taoist state of mind or that reflects a Taoist theme. (Include a picture of this with your document. You should be able to take a picture of it, copy it, and paste it in your document).
Day 4: Explain the following quotation in at least 50 words:
“The further one goes
The less one knows.
Therefore the sage knows without having to stir,
Identifies without having to see,
Accomplishes without having to act.”
Day 5: Write a very brief dialogue (50-100 words) between Socrates and Lao Tzu. The conversation is about how much human beings can know and how they should act with regard to that.1 attachmentsSlide 1 of 1
Journal Rubric Following Directions Inadequate The directions have not been followed at all. The assignment is missing the point altogether. 5 Points Exceptional All of the directions are followed exactly as written. 10 Points Fair Directions are followed for the most part but at least one aspect is missing. It may be that the class material is not related to life or that the class material is not considered. Word counts may not be met. The number of entries may not be satisfied 8 Points Engaging with Passage Inadequate The entries do not relate to the passage to be used for the assignment at all. The entries discusses something altogether unrelated to the passage for analysis. 5 Points Fair It is difficult to recognize how all of the entries relate to the passage used for analysis. They may but just barely- 8 Points Exceptional The passage is clearly engaged with and clearly relates to all of the entries. 10 Points Relating to Life Inadequate There appears to be no real attempt to relate the entries to the author’s life. The passage may be discussed but there is not an attempt to relate to it in a personal way. 5 Points Fair Exceptional There is some relation to one’s life in the entries. They There are clear instances where the passage has been are not only analyses of the passage but there is a bit of absorbed and related to one’s own life in the entries. self-reflection 10 Points 8 Points
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