Response to Intervention Multi Tiered System of Supports PPT

Response to Intervention Multi Tiered System of Supports PPT

Response to Intervention Multi Tiered System of Supports PPT

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IEP 504 Plan Reading Proficiency Level (Lexile) Math Proficiency Level English No No 0-120 Proficient Needs constant reassurance. No Alia N/A Low English No No 150-190 Partially proficient None No Amelia 3 Mid Spanish No No 115-200 Proficient None Yes Antonio 5 Low Spanish No No 230-395 Partially proficient None Yes No Speech. Sees speech pathologist twice a week for 15 minutes each for phonics and phonation (producing the sounds). Proficient Knows letters/sounds but is having difficulty applying (phonics). Yes Arthur 4 Low Spanish 150-190 © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Home Home Language Low Available at Socioeconomic Status N/A Internet English Language Learner Alessandra Other Student Name Class Profile – Kindergarten Evie 2 N/A Med Med Spanish English No No ADHD. Difficulty with task completion and executive functioning. Support for academics and social/emotional development. Partially proficient Does not know letters/sounds. Yes Proficient Difficulty maintaining peer relationships (sharing); difficulty with transition between activities, and following directions. Yes 25-100 Proficient Born prematurely. Developmental milestones consistently behind peers. Yes 55-115 230-395 Genie 2 Low Spanish No Hannah 4 High Spanish No No 115-200 Proficient Wears glasses. Yes Iris 2 Med No No 55-115 Proficient None Yes Spanish © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Home Available at Internet Other Math Proficiency Level Reading Proficiency Level (Lexile) 504 Plan IEP Home Language Socioeconomic Status English Language Learner Student Name Emiliano Speech. Sees speech pathologist daily for 15 minutes each for letter and sound relationship recognition (phonics). Jaiden Jessica Kyle N/A N/A N/A N/A Med English Low Emotional disturbance (trauma). Struggles to English build and maintain relationships with peers and teachers. High LD. Auditory processing disorder. Difficulty with English recognizing differences in sounds. Reads words incorrectly and without expression. Low English No No No 0-120 No 115-200 No No 55-115 Unknown Proficient Minimally Quiet and withdrawn proficient and frustrates easily. Yes Yes Proficient Eager to please, needs reassurance. Requires assistive device for hearing. Yes Unknown New student. Has not yet been screened. Waiting for records from previous school. Yes © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Home Available at Internet Other Math Proficiency Level Reading Proficiency Level (Lexile) 504 Plan IEP Home Language Socioeconomic Status English Language Learner Student Name Jace Did not attend preschool; was taught at home by Mom or Dad until kindergarten. Natalie Nicolas Orion N/A 2 High Low English Spanish No No No Support for social/emotional; specifically for behavioral outbursts. 230-395 Proficient 115-200 Retention; for Minimally social/emotional proficient concerns. N/A Mid English No No 150-190 Partially proficient 4 Low Spanish No No 150-190 Proficient © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Quiet. Watching for signs of dyscalculia; tends to invert numbers. None Yes No Yes Yes Home Available at Internet Other Math Proficiency Level Reading Proficiency Level (Lexile) 504 Plan IEP Home Language Socioeconomic Status English Language Learner Student Name Liam Difficulty sitting still during learning; watching for signs of ADHD and/or gifted. N/A Low English No No 0-120 Partially proficient Sebastian N/A Mid English No No 110-190 Proficient Eager to please and hard-working. Yes Yes Yes Shirah N/A High English No No 25-100 Proficient Did not attend preschool. Home life was not stable; Mom was just awarded full custody from Dad. Dad is no longer involved. Sofia 2 Low Spanish No No 25-100 Partially proficient Tends to daydream and get off task. Struggles with social cues. © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. No Home Available at Internet Other Math Proficiency Level Reading Proficiency Level (Lexile) 504 Plan IEP Home Language Socioeconomic Status English Language Learner Student Name Sarah Very quiet; Lacks motivation. Did not attend preschool. Has little academic foundation. Valeria ELL Levels 1 2 3 4 5 Grade 1 2 N/A N/A Low Low English English No No 230-395 No Speech. Sees speech pathologists four times a week, 15 minutes each (phonemic awareness and letter blend sounds). 0-120 Proficient Scored as: Pre-emergent Emergent Basic Intermediate Proficient Reader Measures; Lexile 120L – 295L 170L – 545L © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Quiet, will avoid work. Placing on list for gifted testing. No Struggles with letter sounds (phonemic awareness). No Home Available at Internet Other Math Proficiency Level Reading Proficiency Level (Lexile) 504 Plan IEP Home Language Socioeconomic Status English Language Learner Student Name Tiffany Minimally proficient 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11/12 415L – 760L 635L – 950L 770L – 1080L 855L – 1165L 925L – 1235L 985L – 1295L 1040L – 1350L 1085L – 1400L 1130L – 1440L Special Education Key Terms Acronym/Identification Details Category 504 Plan Plan for students with mental or physical impairments that presents limitations, including learning, but not significant enough to qualify for an IEP. Includes accommodations. ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Difficulty with focus, attention to detail, task completion, restless, impulsive. OHI, 504 Plan, or IEP based on severity of influence on academics. APD Auditory processing disorder. Difficulty recognizing sounds. 504 Plan or IEP based on severity of influence on academics. ASD Autism spectrum disorder. Developmental disorder often including difficulty with social interactions and communication and sometimes learning. IEP © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Deaf-Blindness Hearing and visual impairments concurrently affecting communication and learning. IEP Deafness Requires use of assistive technologies. 504 Plan or IEP based on severity of influence on academics. Depression Can be considered emotional disturbance based on severity. 504 Plan Dyscalculia Difficulty understanding numbers and math facts. LD, IEP Dysgraphia Difficulty with handwriting and fine motor skills. LD, IEP Dyslexia Difficulty with reading and language. Affects fluency, comprehension, decoding, writing, and spelling. LD, IEP Dyspraxia Difficulty with muscle control and coordination. 504 Plan or IEP based on severity of influence on academics. ED Emotional disturbance. Includes anxiety, depression, ODD, bipolar, OCD, eating disorders, psychotic disorders. 504 Plan or IEP based on severity of influence on academics. Executive Functioning Difficulty organizing and managing tasks, time management, 504 Plan and remembering details. Hearing Impairment May require use of assistive technology or hearing device. Difficulty with taking notes, following discussions, or following directions due to impaired hearing. 504 Plan or IEP based on severity of influence on academics. © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. IEP Individualized Education Program. Includes modifications. Legal document that provides support and services to students to make academic progress. Intellectual Disability Presents significant limitations on learning and adaptive behavior. IEP Language Processing Disorder Difficulty associating a meaning with sounds. LD, IEP LD Learning disorder LD, IEP Memory Difficulty with storing and retrieving information. 504 Plan or IEP based on severity of influence on academics. Multiple Disabilities Simultaneous disabilities that impair physical movement and/or learning. Such as having an intellectual disability and orthopedic impairment. IEP Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities Often presents as high verbal skills and lower motor and visual/spatial and social skills (e.g., social cues). LD, IEP OCD Obsessive compulsive disorder: Repetitive behaviors, overthinking, anxiety. 504 Plan or IEP based on severity of influence on academics. ODD Oppositional defiant disorder. Negative thinking, defiant of others’ requests, refuses to follow directions, aggressive. 504 Plan OHI Other health impairment. Chronic or acute health problems IEP that do not fall under any IDEA category that impairs the © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. physical and/or learning environment (e.g., asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, Tourette syndrome, lead poisoning, leukemia, rheumatic fever, sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, ADHD, heart conditions). Orthopedic Impairment A physical impairment that affects the educational performance (e.g., birth defects, bone tuberculosis, cerebral palsy, amputations). 504 Plan or IEP based on severity of influence on academics. Speech/Language Difficulty with articulation possibly due to a skeletal, muscular, or neuro-muscular impairment. Difficulty with syntax, semantics, pragmatics, phonics, morphemes. OHI or LD based on severity of influence on academics. Traumatic Brain Injury Acquired injury to the brain that significantly affects functionality including memory, cognition, sensory processing, physical functions, speech, abstract thinking. IEP Visual Motor Difficulty processing what is seen and the ability to copy such as taking notes. LD, IEP (often seen with dysgraphia or non-verbal learning disabilities). © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Ana Angela Annie Socioeconomic Status Home Language IEP 504 Plan Reading Proficiency Level (Lexile) Math Proficiency Level Other Internet Available at Home Alex English Language Learner Student Name Class Profile – 1st Grade 2 Mid Spanish No No 85-95 At grade level None Yes N/A 2 N/A Low Mid Mid English No ADHD. Difficulty with task completion and executive functioning. 160-230 At grade level Yes Spanish Speech/ language. Difficulty with phonics and semantics. No 100-150 At grade level Yes No No English Struggles to remain on task. None 135-260 At grade level © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. None Yes Internet Available at Home Other Math Proficiency Level Reading Proficiency Level (Lexile) 504 Plan IEP Home Language Socioeconomic Status English Language Learner Student Name N/A High English No No 120-200 Above grade level Reads slowly and struggles with comprehension. Bonnie 5 Low Mandari n No No 190-260 Above grade level On the list for gifted testing. No Brad 3 Mid Spanish No No 195- 210 At grade level Struggles with math word problems. Yes Christopher 3 Mid Spanish No No 190-225 At grade level Quiet. Struggles with maintain peer relationships. Yes Yes Yes Betty Cole N/A Mid English No No 150-200 At grade level Tier 3 RTI for reading, writing, and math. Donavon N/A Low English Dyscalculia No 170-250 *Below

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Response to Intervention Multi Tiered System of Supports PPT

Explanation & Answer length: 12 Slides5 attachmentsSlide 1 of 5

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IEP 504 Plan Reading Proficiency Level (Lexile) Math Proficiency Level English No No 0-120 Proficient Needs constant reassurance. No Alia N/A Low English No No 150-190 Partially proficient None No Amelia 3 Mid Spanish No No 115-200 Proficient None Yes Antonio 5 Low Spanish No No 230-395 Partially proficient None Yes No Speech. Sees speech pathologist twice a week for 15 minutes each for phonics and phonation (producing the sounds). Proficient Knows letters/sounds but is having difficulty applying (phonics). Yes Arthur 4 Low Spanish 150-190 © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Home Home Language Low Available at Socioeconomic Status N/A Internet English Language Learner Alessandra Other Student Name Class Profile – Kindergarten Evie 2 N/A Med Med Spanish English No No ADHD. Difficulty with task completion and executive functioning. Support for academics and social/emotional development. Partially proficient Does not know letters/sounds. Yes Proficient Difficulty maintaining peer relationships (sharing); difficulty with transition between activities, and following directions. Yes 25-100 Proficient Born prematurely. Developmental milestones consistently behind peers. Yes 55-115 230-395 Genie 2 Low Spanish No Hannah 4 High Spanish No No 115-200 Proficient Wears glasses. Yes Iris 2 Med No No 55-115 Proficient None Yes Spanish © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Home Available at Internet Other Math Proficiency Level Reading Proficiency Level (Lexile) 504 Plan IEP Home Language Socioeconomic Status English Language Learner Student Name Emiliano Speech. Sees speech pathologist daily for 15 minutes each for letter and sound relationship recognition (phonics). Jaiden Jessica Kyle N/A N/A N/A N/A Med English Low Emotional disturbance (trauma). Struggles to English build and maintain relationships with peers and teachers. High LD. Auditory processing disorder. Difficulty with English recognizing differences in sounds. Reads words incorrectly and without expression. Low English No No No 0-120 No 115-200 No No 55-115 Unknown Proficient Minimally Quiet and withdrawn proficient and frustrates easily. Yes Yes Proficient Eager to please, needs reassurance. Requires assistive device for hearing. Yes Unknown New student. Has not yet been screened. Waiting for records from previous school. Yes © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Home Available at Internet Other Math Proficiency Level Reading Proficiency Level (Lexile) 504 Plan IEP Home Language Socioeconomic Status English Language Learner Student Name Jace Did not attend preschool; was taught at home by Mom or Dad until kindergarten. Natalie Nicolas Orion N/A 2 High Low English Spanish No No No Support for social/emotional; specifically for behavioral outbursts. 230-395 Proficient 115-200 Retention; for Minimally social/emotional proficient concerns. N/A Mid English No No 150-190 Partially proficient 4 Low Spanish No No 150-190 Proficient © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Quiet. Watching for signs of dyscalculia; tends to invert numbers. None Yes No Yes Yes Home Available at Internet Other Math Proficiency Level Reading Proficiency Level (Lexile) 504 Plan IEP Home Language Socioeconomic Status English Language Learner Student Name Liam Difficulty sitting still during learning; watching for signs of ADHD and/or gifted. N/A Low English No No 0-120 Partially proficient Sebastian N/A Mid English No No 110-190 Proficient Eager to please and hard-working. Yes Yes Yes Shirah N/A High English No No 25-100 Proficient Did not attend preschool. Home life was not stable; Mom was just awarded full custody from Dad. Dad is no longer involved. Sofia 2 Low Spanish No No 25-100 Partially proficient Tends to daydream and get off task. Struggles with social cues. © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. No Home Available at Internet Other Math Proficiency Level Reading Proficiency Level (Lexile) 504 Plan IEP Home Language Socioeconomic Status English Language Learner Student Name Sarah Very quiet; Lacks motivation. Did not attend preschool. Has little academic foundation. Valeria ELL Levels 1 2 3 4 5 Grade 1 2 N/A N/A Low Low English English No No 230-395 No Speech. Sees speech pathologists four times a week, 15 minutes each (phonemic awareness and letter blend sounds). 0-120 Proficient Scored as: Pre-emergent Emergent Basic Intermediate Proficient Reader Measures; Lexile 120L – 295L 170L – 545L © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Quiet, will avoid work. Placing on list for gifted testing. No Struggles with letter sounds (phonemic awareness). No Home Available at Internet Other Math Proficiency Level Reading Proficiency Level (Lexile) 504 Plan IEP Home Language Socioeconomic Status English Language Learner Student Name Tiffany Minimally proficient 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11/12 415L – 760L 635L – 950L 770L – 1080L 855L – 1165L 925L – 1235L 985L – 1295L 1040L – 1350L 1085L – 1400L 1130L – 1440L Special Education Key Terms Acronym/Identification Details Category 504 Plan Plan for students with mental or physical impairments that presents limitations, including learning, but not significant enough to qualify for an IEP. Includes accommodations. ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Difficulty with focus, attention to detail, task completion, restless, impulsive. OHI, 504 Plan, or IEP based on severity of influence on academics. APD Auditory processing disorder. Difficulty recognizing sounds. 504 Plan or IEP based on severity of influence on academics. ASD Autism spectrum disorder. Developmental disorder often including difficulty with social interactions and communication and sometimes learning. IEP © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Deaf-Blindness Hearing and visual impairments concurrently affecting communication and learning. IEP Deafness Requires use of assistive technologies. 504 Plan or IEP based on severity of influence on academics. Depression Can be considered emotional disturbance based on severity. 504 Plan Dyscalculia Difficulty understanding numbers and math facts. LD, IEP Dysgraphia Difficulty with handwriting and fine motor skills. LD, IEP Dyslexia Difficulty with reading and language. Affects fluency, comprehension, decoding, writing, and spelling. LD, IEP Dyspraxia Difficulty with muscle control and coordination. 504 Plan or IEP based on severity of influence on academics. ED Emotional disturbance. Includes anxiety, depression, ODD, bipolar, OCD, eating disorders, psychotic disorders. 504 Plan or IEP based on severity of influence on academics. Executive Functioning Difficulty organizing and managing tasks, time management, 504 Plan and remembering details. Hearing Impairment May require use of assistive technology or hearing device. Difficulty with taking notes, following discussions, or following directions due to impaired hearing. 504 Plan or IEP based on severity of influence on academics. © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. IEP Individualized Education Program. Includes modifications. Legal document that provides support and services to students to make academic progress. Intellectual Disability Presents significant limitations on learning and adaptive behavior. IEP Language Processing Disorder Difficulty associating a meaning with sounds. LD, IEP LD Learning disorder LD, IEP Memory Difficulty with storing and retrieving information. 504 Plan or IEP based on severity of influence on academics. Multiple Disabilities Simultaneous disabilities that impair physical movement and/or learning. Such as having an intellectual disability and orthopedic impairment. IEP Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities Often presents as high verbal skills and lower motor and visual/spatial and social skills (e.g., social cues). LD, IEP OCD Obsessive compulsive disorder: Repetitive behaviors, overthinking, anxiety. 504 Plan or IEP based on severity of influence on academics. ODD Oppositional defiant disorder. Negative thinking, defiant of others’ requests, refuses to follow directions, aggressive. 504 Plan OHI Other health impairment. Chronic or acute health problems IEP that do not fall under any IDEA category that impairs the © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. physical and/or learning environment (e.g., asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, Tourette syndrome, lead poisoning, leukemia, rheumatic fever, sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, ADHD, heart conditions). Orthopedic Impairment A physical impairment that affects the educational performance (e.g., birth defects, bone tuberculosis, cerebral palsy, amputations). 504 Plan or IEP based on severity of influence on academics. Speech/Language Difficulty with articulation possibly due to a skeletal, muscular, or neuro-muscular impairment. Difficulty with syntax, semantics, pragmatics, phonics, morphemes. OHI or LD based on severity of influence on academics. Traumatic Brain Injury Acquired injury to the brain that significantly affects functionality including memory, cognition, sensory processing, physical functions, speech, abstract thinking. IEP Visual Motor Difficulty processing what is seen and the ability to copy such as taking notes. LD, IEP (often seen with dysgraphia or non-verbal learning disabilities). © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Ana Angela Annie Socioeconomic Status Home Language IEP 504 Plan Reading Proficiency Level (Lexile) Math Proficiency Level Other Internet Available at Home Alex English Language Learner Student Name Class Profile – 1st Grade 2 Mid Spanish No No 85-95 At grade level None Yes N/A 2 N/A Low Mid Mid English No ADHD. Difficulty with task completion and executive functioning. 160-230 At grade level Yes Spanish Speech/ language. Difficulty with phonics and semantics. No 100-150 At grade level Yes No No English Struggles to remain on task. None 135-260 At grade level © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. None Yes Internet Available at Home Other Math Proficiency Level Reading Proficiency Level (Lexile) 504 Plan IEP Home Language Socioeconomic Status English Language Learner Student Name N/A High English No No 120-200 Above grade level Reads slowly and struggles with comprehension. Bonnie 5 Low Mandari n No No 190-260 Above grade level On the list for gifted testing. No Brad 3 Mid Spanish No No 195- 210 At grade level Struggles with math word problems. Yes Christopher 3 Mid Spanish No No 190-225 At grade level Quiet. Struggles with maintain peer relationships. Yes Yes Yes Betty Cole N/A Mid English No No 150-200 At grade level Tier 3 RTI for reading, writing, and math. Donavon N/A Low English Dyscalculia No 170-250 *Below

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